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 Super Sentai Chapter 22: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Super Sentai Chapter 22: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman Empty
PostSubject: Super Sentai Chapter 22: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman   Super Sentai Chapter 22: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 3:11 pm

Super Sentai Chapter 22: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman 0433

Seijū Sentai Gingaman (Star Beast Squadron Gingaman ) is the twenty-second installment in the Super Sentai series, running from 1998 to 1999.

3,000 years ago, the evil Space Pirate gang, the Barban, attempted to conquer Earth. They were foiled and imprisoned by the mystical Starbeasts and their human companions, the Gingamen of Ginga Forest. Since then, the mantle of the Gingamen was passed down through the generations of Ginga Forest. On the day of the appointment of the 133rd generation, an undersea earthquake releases the Barban from their imprisonment. In their attempt to kill the newest Gingamen, Hyūga, the appointed Ginga Red, is swallowed up in the Earth. Before he falls in, he passes on the duty to his brother, Ryōma. The Gingamen thus begin their mission to foil the Barban's scheme to revive Daitanix, the monster whose back houses the Barban's castle.

.Ryōma / Ginga Red: The Hero. He assumes the role of Ginga Red when his older brother (presumably) dies just as he's about to take up the legacy.

.Hayate / Ginga Green: The Smart Lancer. He plays the flute.

.Gōki / Ginga Blue: The Big Guy (of the Gentle Giant variety). The Team Chef.

.Hikaru / Ginga Yellow: Bumbling Big Eater and prankster.

.Saya / Ginga Pink: The Load. Strong and silent.

.Hyūga / Black Knight: The New Guy, Ryōma's older brother, Back from the Dead.

The Main Villians are The Space Pirates Barban who are a group of fictional pirates and the primary antagonists in the Super Sentai series, Seijuu Sentai Gingaman who have destroyed many planets along the Milky Way. Their base of operations are the Rowdy Invincible Castle, which is mounted on the back of Daitanix. They once tried to invade Earth but the first generation of Gingaman and the Starbeasts sealed them in the bottom of the sea. Three thousand years later, an earthquake broke the seal and Barban was released, with plans of awakening Daitanix in the modern time. Its four great armies plot various strategies to achieve it.

The Members are:

.Captain Zahab: The Big Bad, is the leader of the Barban. Cruel and violent but at the same time a great strategist and expert warrior who became immortal thanks to a Star Soul Jewel created by Daitanix, using the monster to gather a crew by offering them long life. Zahab's left hand is missing, as a result of the battle sustained with the first generation Ginga Red three thousand years earlier. He has replaced it with a cannon integrated hook. As a result, Zahab has a grudge against those who take the mantle of Ginga Red, including Ryouma. Hearing the death of an underling does not seem to affect him, but deep inside he suffers in private. Eventually, having known of Shelinda's death, Zahab can not take it anymore and falls apart in grief. In the final battle he uses the castle to take control of the Earth Demon Beast, but Zahab is forced to flee from his castle when it is destroyed by Bull Taurus. After losing the Earth Beast, Zahab fights and beats the tar out of the Gingamen, until Ginga Red and Black Knight use their fire ability to destroy his Star Soul Jewel. He is then destroyed by the Black Knight, the Gingamens' Beast Shockwave, and finally by Ginga Red's sword and claw attack as the final blow.

.Shelinda: Weird Minion, is the cruel and selfish second in command and the navigator of the Barban. During the Sutoiji incident, Shelinda destroys Hayate's flute before later attempting to stop him from making a new one. After finding him as Sutoiji is defeated, Shelinda duels Ginga Green with it ending with her forearm scarred as she vows a vendetta on him. Shelinda had romantic feeling's for Budoh but she hated the fact that he saved her life one time. This is mentioned in an interview with Toei but not in the Series. An expert with the sword, though she was killed in a final duel with Hayate in episode 49. Her costume is shell themed

.Bucrates: Evil Genius, is a stout little being with a barrel-shaped body, Bucrates lacks battle skills, though he makes up for it with his extensive knowledge. He is called "Mentor" (Sensei) by Zahab and is the one who gave Zahab an immortal body. He helps his niece Iliess to frame Budou and have him killed. Bucrates' fellow Barban members, having discovered that he and Illies arranged Budou's death, plot to steal her power to revive Daitanix. Bucrates tries to stop them, but is attacked by an enraged Zahab. He barely escapes with his own life, and becomes maddened by a hatred for Zahab, changing into a new form called Pucorpse Bucrates (Bukuratesu, 37-49). He hatched a plot to kill him, eventually forcing Hyuuga to work for him, by trapping the wounded Gou Taurus in a small barrel. Bucrates later let Gou Taurus out temporarily to have Hyuuga aid the Gingamen against Daitanix in episode 42, before drawing them both back when the battle was over. However, Bucrates is mortally wounded in episode 48, by Shelinda for his betrayal, before he can see his revenge fulfilled and subsequently commits suicide in episode 49 with a bomb to give Hyuuga a chance to escape

.Biznella: The New Guy and Arms Dealer, He captured three Starbeasts and turned them into cyborgs, before selling them to the Barban. After his merchandise fails, Biznella is recruited into Barban, as a consultant of sorts under the service of Battobas, who he had been acquainted with previously. During one of their attempts to find the Demon Earth Beast, Biznella is thrown into the Extreme Growth Extract by accident and mutates into Majin Biznella who overpowers the Gingamen until they defeated him with their upgraded Beast Attack Rods. He is then betrayed and enlarged by Battobas and is ironically killed by the vengeful Giga Rhinos, Giga Phoenix and Super Armor Shine Gingaioh in episode 47.

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Government Concil
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Super Sentai Chapter 22: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Sentai Chapter 22: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman   Super Sentai Chapter 22: Seijuu Sentai Gingaman Icon_minitimeSat Aug 11, 2012 3:16 pm

Good article.
The intro to this episode sound very interesting. Not as harsh as previous episodes. A gang of pirates tryimg to take over the world. This version easier to comprehend.

I would like to see Hakuu the prankster-he seems funny.

As evil characters go the female seems interesting but still it would be great that she was shown the error of her ways and that she decides to turn a new leaf. cheers
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