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 Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan  Empty
PostSubject: Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan    Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan  Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 11:18 am

Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan  0417

Taiyō Sentai Sun Vulcan (Solar Squadron Sun Vulcan) is the fifth Super Sentai series, which aired from 1981 to 1982.

Three soldiers from the Guardians of World Peace (GOWP) are assembled to become Sun Vulcan. Their mission: to defend the world from the machinations of the Machine Empire Black Magma.

The only Super Sentai entry that continues the storyline from the previous show, it featured the first animal-themed team of rangers, as well as the first sword-wielding red ranger. It is also notable for having the Sentai team with the fewest members (with just three full-time heroes instead of the usual five) and the only one without a female ranger.

The Members are:

.Ryūsuke Ōwashi / Vul Eagle I: The original Hero; an Air Force Officer. He leaves to research Space Shuttles in America, and is replaced by...

.Takayuki Hiba / Vul Eagle II: The new Hero and Master Swordsman.

.Kin'ya Samejima / Vul Shark: the Number 2 and a Naval Officer.

.Asao Hyō / Vul Panther: The Big Guy. Strong, Bumbling. and a Big Eater, also an Army Officer.

The Main Villians are Machine Empire Black Magma is an organization based at the Iron Claw Castle at the North Pole that worships the Black Solar God. Intending to have its Mechahumans rule the world, Black Magma's technology is advanced enough to cause natural disasters and cause global incidents. However, Black Magma targets Japan in order to obtain the cache of geothermal energy there needed to power their aresenal.

The Members are:

.Dark Saturn: The supposed Big Bad. Through he rules over Black Magma, he is actually a servant of the Omnipotent God.

.the Omnipotent God: The real Big Bad, The true leader of Black Magma, known as the Black Solar God and hinted to have connections to the Incan and Mayan civilizations. He normally communicates to Dark Saturn via an idol.

. Queen Hedrian: Once the Big Bad from the last series, now the Back from the Dead Commander.

. Amazon Destroyer: A Vader field officer who came from space, loyal only to Hedrian. Taking Zero Girl 01's place as field commander, Amazon Killer succeeded in destroying the Sun Vulcan's Head Base and did her job very actively in both combat and stealth. After Hedrian's death, Amazon Killer was forced to fight the Sun Vulcan, who came to rescue Daizaburou and Misa. She had them on the ropes, but surviving their combination attack, Amazon Killer took her own life out of refusal of serve Black Magma

. Inazuma Ginga: the Treacherous Subordinate. A space pirate known as the "Galactic Invincible Electric Man" who is sought by the Galactic Police. Once Amazon destroyer's partner, Inazuma is manipulated into challenging Dark Saturn by her and Queen Hedrian. Inazuma seems to defeat Hell Satan in episode, allowing Queen Hedrian to declare herself ruler of Black Magma. However, Dark Saturn returns as a ghost and get his revenge by tossing Inazuma into the monster making machine, transforming him into Inazuma Monger who meets his end against the Sun Vulcan team.
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan    Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan  Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2012 5:38 pm

Like the article it is still out in front.

The rating is good. Each shift in power seems to make the story continue for the reader cheers

Especially if bad guys gain in power study
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Super Sentai Chapter 5: Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan
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