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 Super Sentai Chapter 21: Denji Sentai Megaranger

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Super Sentai Chapter 21: Denji Sentai Megaranger  Empty
PostSubject: Super Sentai Chapter 21: Denji Sentai Megaranger    Super Sentai Chapter 21: Denji Sentai Megaranger  Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2012 2:56 pm

Super Sentai Chapter 21: Denji Sentai Megaranger  0432

Denji Sentai Megaranger (Electromagnetic Squadron Megaranger) is the twenty-first installment in the Super Sentai series, running from 1997 to 1998.

Kenta Date is a high-school underachiever who enjoys two things: eating yakiniku and playing the "Megaranger" arcade video game. One day, a couple of recruiters show up. It turns out that the Megaranger game is just a simulation intended to recruit people to become actual Megarangers. Kenta is the first person to be good enough at the game to be recruited. While The Mentor Dr. Kubota tries to talk Kenta into accepting, the Earth is invaded by Nejiregia, invaders from the Twisted Dimension. Due to the emergency, the Megaranger gear is given to Kenta and four of his classmates who happened to be in the area. And the battle begins...

.Kenta Date / Mega Red: The Hero. Comes off as an Idiot Hero, but he's really pretending to be dumb out of laziness. He's not the official leader, but he takes point because he's the Red, and that's just the way things are done in Sentai.

.Koichirou Endoh / Mega Black: The Big Guy. The complete opposite of Kenta, as he is an overachiever who treats everything as Serious Business. He's the official leader, but most people forget this since he's not Red.

.Shun Namiki / Mega Blue: The Smart Lancer and computer graphics artist. Aloof at first, but he gets better.

.Chisato Jogasaki / Mega Yellow: The Load, and aspiring (digital) photographer. She's basically a milder version of Kouichirou.

.Miku Imamura / Mega Pink: The Tagalong kid. A laid-back gluttonous female version of Kenta. She comes off as a Ditz, but like Kenta, she's also prentending.

.Yuusaku Hayakawa / Mega Silver: Sixth Ranger

The Main Villians are The Evil Electric Kingdom Nejirejia are invaders from another dimension ruled by an entity called Javious. Their names and appearances are all twisted and distorted. They are stationed in the Gran Nejiros fortress which transforms into the giant robot Death Nejiro in the series finale. This robot can regenerate severed limbs as well as bind and electrocute his victims with cables and was finally destroyed along with the Mega Voyager in the finale. Hinelar self-destructed the Death Nejiro from the inside in an attempt to blow up the Megarangers and the Mega Voyager. The Megarangers nearly sacrifice themselves to carry Death Nejiro with the Mega Voyager into the sky to prevent any damage to the city.

The Members are:

.Emperor Javious I: The Big Bad. Because he's just an eye in a wall, he's more like a Non Action Big Bad, and the other villains know this.

.Dr. Hinelar: Evil Genius In Chief. The de facto leader of Nejiregia, since the official leader is just an eye in a wall. Hinelar knows this.

.Yugande: The Commander and Worthy Opponent to the Megarangers.

.Shiborena: The Weird Minion. In love with Yugande. Eventually revealed to be the Cyborg version of Hinelar's daughter, Shizuka

.Bibidebi: Evil Mascot. Responsible for making the Monsters Of The Week grow giant.

.Guirail: Evil New Guy and The Treacherous Subordinate. Introduced as a second Commander, but has no loyalty to anyone or anything, which results in him getting into an Enemy Civil War with the honorable Yugande. He is a Complete monster. Unlike Noble Demon Yugande, who is honorable and dislikes underhanded tactics, Guirail has absolutely no qualms about doing whatever he feels is necessary to win. His first appearance even has him using CHILDREN as human shields. He also has no loyalty to anyone and is willing to hurt or possibly kill his comrades. Ultimately, when Guirail severely injures Yugande by using him as a Human Shield against the Megarangers, Hinelar decides to end it by offering Guirail a Psycho Serum in the guise of a power-up to turn Guirail into a mindless One-Winged Angel. Guirail is soon the first to be killed by the Megarangers' Mid Season Upgrade mecha. Seeing him writhing in agony due to the serum before getting destroyed by the Megarangers is quite triumphant.
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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Super Sentai Chapter 21: Denji Sentai Megaranger  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Sentai Chapter 21: Denji Sentai Megaranger    Super Sentai Chapter 21: Denji Sentai Megaranger  Icon_minitimeSat Aug 11, 2012 3:11 pm

First what type of food does our leader of the unified team enjoy eating????
what does it lok like???????

ounds like cool beginiing that they are looking for new recuits.

The bad guys a little to serious for me. Using people as human shields is wrong and cowardess Exclamation Exclamation

The ending is good that the bad guys are destroyed alien
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