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 What does "Affably Evil" Mean?

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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What does "Affably Evil" Mean? Empty
PostSubject: What does "Affably Evil" Mean?   What does "Affably Evil" Mean? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2013 1:46 pm

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 030

Music for the First half of the article

Most of the time, when there is a villain, they're going to have a personality or manner that underscores how evil they are. They may kick puppies for giggles, be particularly insensitive, or might just be too unknowable to be anything but evil.

And then, there are villains who are Affably Evil. There is absolutely nothing separating them from being normal, polite people except for the fact that they want to Take Over the World or use human souls to power their artifact of doom. They're not fakeing it — their friendliness is a genuine part of their personality, not a mask. If they have underlings, expect them to be a Benevolent. In one way, they're the opposite of an Anti-Hero. They may help someone on occasion, but won't hesitate to kick the person with steel-toed boots the next second if it helps them accomplish their goals. They may recieve a good opinion from the public.

This villain will invite the hero out to tea, offer him a favorite dish, make pleasant small talk, try to appeal to the hero's better nature, and convince the heroes that the villain's plan isn't worth getting involved in. Of course, if the hero still won't change their mind, the villain will remind them that they are, after all, still a villain. It may or may not involve a Death Trap, depending on how nice the villain really is when crossed. Of course, inviting the hero's mom out to tea might send a stronger message. The friendliness of said villains can serve to humanize these guys.

Almost always either comedic, or a charismatic villian who outwits the hero while looking cool doing it, or a Well-Intentioned Extremist who really believes that they are the good guys. They have a good sense of Humor and their frienliness even makes them easy to "compliment" with an Insult Backfire. Captives of an affably evil villain won't be kept in dungeons, but in a Gilded Cage.

They often demonstrate traits such as being Suave, Gentlemanly, Mysterious, Aggressive, Powerful, Deadly, Stubborn, Polite, Sophisticated, Graceful, Greedy, Determined, Selfish, Scheming, Sinister, Cunning, Charismatic, Shady, Wicked, Paranoid and Sympathetic

He will never hit an unarmed woman, has a policy for always saying the truth, is respected and loyally followed by his comrades, can even be nice if he when in a good mood and his respect for those who have earned it is genuine.

He can stand out as the only villain who is really a nice guy. He is undeniably the most polite, classy, generally mannered and the LEAST violent villian of all. Also, unlike other villains, he technically isn't evil, but just willing to do whatever to get what he wants and will often join hero in silly antics like loving to play video games and considering the Hero his roommate

They often demonstrate traits such as being Suave, Gentlemanly, Mysterious, Aggressive, Powerful, Deadly, Stubborn, Polite, Sophisticated, Graceful, Greedy, Determined, Selfish, Scheming, Sinister, Cunning, Charismatic, Shady, Wicked, Paranoid and Sympathetic

Over the course of a series' many Story Arcs, the two will develop a grudging respect for their eachother. It can sometimes grow to the point that the villain will refrain from killing the hero in a "cheap" or dishonorable way, and even start to concoct bizarre excuses to avoid doing so entirely, spare his life, or even saving him. In these cases

They are shown to have become good friends after all of their encounters and fights, resulting in Villian asking The Hero to look after his child for him and hide him from the government after he dies, and The Hero being accepting of this.

Music for the second half of the article

Here are some examples of this type of villian in a Police lineup:

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 057

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 058

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 059

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 060

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 078

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 063

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 068

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 064

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 066

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 067

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 069

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 079

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 080

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? 076

What does "Affably Evil" Mean? Angol10

Last edited by Invader Zim on Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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What does "Affably Evil" Mean? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What does "Affably Evil" Mean?   What does "Affably Evil" Mean? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2013 5:56 pm

Wow i like all the axamples that you gave-that really helps to send the message home about these characters alien Sleep

The important part is that there was no one image it crosses all sterotypes What a Face What a Face What a Face What a Face

The music suited the article well.

I never seen the vampire girl before-quite interesting affraid affraid affraid affraid

Can not wait to see the up and coming

Have you done a review of Trailer park boys? I am sure a character analysis would be fun to read cheers cheers
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