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 Doctor Who?

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Remembrance of the Daleks ( doctor no. 7 saga part 4)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 7:47 am

The Doctor and Ace arrive in Shoreditch in 1963 and become quickly ingratiated with Professor Jensen and Sergeant Mike Smith who are tracing 'the primary source' of magnetic fluctuations outside Coal Hill School. They are quickly summoned to 'the secondary source' at Totters Lane Junkyard where Group Captain Gilmore and his men have been attacked by an unidentified assailant. The aggressor is quickly identified as a grey Dalek which is promptly destroyed by the Doctor using Ace's Nitro-9 explosive.

Meanwhile, Mike enlists the cooperation of his friend, Mr. Ratcliffe, whose fascist Association operates from a Builders Warehouse. His agents recover the remains of the Dalek which Ratcliffe presents to a Dalek Battle computer secreted in his office whom he assures that the Doctor will be followed.

The Doctor, troubled by the presence of the 'wrong Dalek', travels with Ace back to Coal Hill School, and with the permission of the Headmaster begin searching the school. The Doctor reveals to Ace that the Daleks have followed him through time to this point hoping to secure the Hand of Omega.

In the basement of the school the Doctor and Ace discover a transmat device which the Doctor disables, causing a white and gold Dalek operator to charge on the saboteurs. While Ace is incapacitated by the controlled Headmaster, the Doctor is locked in the cellar to face the rising Dalek chanting his extermination. Ace overpowers the Headmaster and frees the Doctor, and they make use of anti tank rockets forwarded by Group Captain Gilmore to deal with the Dalek.

Very concerned about the presence of two Dalek factions, the Doctor decides to 'bury the past' and leaves Ace in the care of Smith. The Omega Device is awaiting burial in a local Undertakers. The Doctor leads the floating casket to a freshly dug grave. As the blind Vicar presiding over the ceremony announces 'it is over' the Doctor corrects him with 'it's only just beginning.' The unusual burial is watched by Mike Smith.

The Doctor, Smith, Jensen, and her assistant Allison travel to Gilmore's base where the presence of a large Dalek mothership is detected in geostationary orbit. The mothership quickly dispatches an Imperial Dalek assault squad to the transmat repaired by the Headmaster. The Doctor vetoes a proposal of military action, warning of massive reprisals from the Imperial Faction. He assembles a jamming device to interfere with the Dalek control systems.

A bored Ace realises that she has left her stereo back at the school. She returns there to discover it crawling with Imperial Daleks. With some assistance from a baseball bat imbued with power from the Omega Device she proves more than a match for a surprised Dalek scout. However during her escape she is cornered by three Daleks.

Alerted to Ace's visit to the School, the Doctor arrives just in time to save Ace using his Dalek Jammer. Deciding to buy himself more time he then destroys the transmat. The Daleks on the Mothership detect this and decide to wait for the Omega Device to reveal itself. Informed of the location of the buried casket and the Battle Computer's promise of great shared power, Ratcliffe and his association begin digging for the Device. He is unsettled by the presence of a silent school girl who has been observing most of the proceedings. The disturbed Device is detected by the Imperial Daleks and the summoned Dalek Emperor tasks a shuttle to recover it from the Grey Renegade Daleks who have rejected his authority.

The Doctor sends Gilmore and his men to establish a defensive position at the school. He reveals to Ace that two sets of Daleks are vying for control of the Omega Device which was used to give the Gallifreyans mastery of time. Ratcliffe presents the Device to the Battle Computer which is revealed to contain the little girl. A Supreme Dalek, flanked by Grey Daleks, kills Ratcliffe's men and takes him hostage. They quickly prepare to flee with the Device using a time controller (visually represented by a plasma lamp).

Not wanting this faction to escape with the Device, the Doctor disables the controller and is chased back to the school by a squad of Daleks. The Doctor asssures his entourage that the approaching Imperial shuttle will not land at the school as it is so far away from the Renegade base. The group take cover as the shuttle lands in the playground. The Doctor notes with concern that he might have miscalculated.

The Imperial Daleks leave the ship to face the Renegade faction. Using a Special Weapons Dalek to neutralise some opposition, they advance towards the Renegade base. Realising that Smith is Ratcliffe's agent, Gilmore detains him. The Doctor decides to use the transmat remains in the cellar as a communications link with the Mothership.

Smith escapes to the Renegade base to find Ratcliffe a prisoner. The repaired time controller powers up to enable the Renegades' escape but the base is attacked by the Imperials, who overwhelm the few remaining opponents. Ratcliffe and Mike flee with the Time Controller and the Supreme Dalek orders the controlled girl to recover it. Using Dalek powers she kills Ratcliffe and pursues Smith. The victorious Imperials return to the shuttle with the Device. The Doctor orders Ace to shadow Smith.

The Imperial Emperor is informed that the Omega Device is in his possession. Soon after the face of the Doctor appears on the bridge screen and he demands the surrender of the Device. The Emperor is revealed to be Davros who announces his plans for his Daleks to overthrow the Time Lords. Angered by the Doctor's insults, Davros decides to unleash the device on Skaro's sun. Rather than the desired effect, the device creates a supernova, obliterating the Daleks' home. The device smashes back into the Mothership just after Davros' escape pod drops out of view. The Doctor announces that the device is travelling back to Gallifrey.

Ace is captured by Smith, who is still holding the Time Controller. The girl tracks him down and kills him before turning her attention to Ace. The Doctor seeks out the Supreme Dalek. Convinced of its absolute defeat it kills itself, breaking the link with the controlled girl.

At Smith's funeral Ace wonders if what they did was good. 'Time will tell,' replies the Doctor. 'It always does.'
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: The Happiness Patrol ( doctor no. 7 saga part 5)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 7:49 am

Having heard the rumours of untoward happenings, the Seventh Doctor and Ace visit a human colony on the planet Terra Alpha where they find unhappiness to be an illegal act. In order to prove their happiness, for example, citizens greet each other with the phrases "I'm glad you're happy" and "I'm happy you're glad".

In a perverse society ruled by the vicious and egotistical Helen A, the Happiness Patrol is a secret police force which hunts down killjoys and eliminates them. It also repaints the TARDIS pink as a more joyous colour than blue. The disappearances also worry Trevor Sigma, the official galactic censor, who is visiting Terra Alpha too to discover where so many of the population have gone – 17% at the most recent count.

The Doctor and Ace have a brief period of incarceration to find out more about the society of Terra Alpha, encountering unhappy guard Susan Q who becomes a firm ally. Both split up, with the Doctor encountering another visitor to the planet, Earl Sigma, a wandering harmonica player who stirs unrest by playing the blues. Earl and the Doctor venture to the Kandy Kitchen at the heart of the planet’s governance system, where they discover rebels drowned in fondant surprise, which is the favoured method of execution of the Kandy Man, a grotesque sweet-based equivalent of a robot, created by Gilbert M, one of Helen A’s senior advisers.

The Doctor and Earl effect an escape and end up in the candy pipes below the colony, where dwell the native inhabitants of Terra Alpha, now known as Pipe People. They want to help overthrow the tyranny of Helen A. The Doctor returns to the surface and now starts actively subverting the government system – supporting demonstrations in favour of unhappiness and stirring up the drones to revolt; preventing snipers removing malcontents; and even challenging Helen A face to face to end the monstrosity of her government.

Ace and Susan Q have meanwhile been scheduled to appear in the late show at the Forum, where the penalty for non-entertainment is death. The Doctor and Earl rescue them both and the four head off to Helen A’s palace for a final showdown while a revolution takes full effect outside the palace walls. The first to be disposed of is Helen A’s pet Stigorax, Fifi, a rat-dog creature she used to hunt down the Pipe People, which is crushed in the pipes below the city. Then the Pipe People destroy the Kandy Man in a flow of his own fondant surprise. Gilbert M and Joseph C, the consort of the leader, use the opportunity of the disorder to slip away. Helen A tries to flee too but is challenged by the Doctor about the true nature of happiness, which can only be understood if counter-balanced by sadness. This is a notion she understands only when confronted with the remains of Fifi. The revolution is complete and the Doctor and Ace slip away – but only once the TARDIS has been repainted blue.
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Name: Invader Zim
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Silver Nemesis ( Doctor no.7 saga part 6)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 7:54 am

This is based on the Extended Version presented on the VHS release rather than that originally broadcast. South America, 22 November 1988. In an office full of germans regalia and a portrait of the dicator during WW2 on the wall, a man looks at a computer screen displaying details on which he sees "Landing Location, Windsor, Grid Ref: 74W 32N, November 23 1988". He rushes out to his superior, De Flores, who is about to shoot a noisy parrot out of a tree with a bow and arrow, and tells him that he has wonderful news. The two enter the mansion.

Windsor, England, 1638. A finely dressed woman is shooting pigeons with a bow and arrow whilst her servant looks on. In her house, an elderly mathematician is performing complex calculations. The woman enters and demands to know how long his work will take, but he is too engrossed in his work to answer her. She goes to the fireplace, and picking up a poisoned arrow, hands it to her servant and tells him to put it with the others. He enquires after a silver arrow, and she replies that she will deal with that arrow personally.

Back in the germans office, De Flores addresses a group of followers, telling them they are at the turning point of history. He proposes a toast to the fourth Reich, before taking a silver bow from a display case, preparing to board an aircraft.

In space, a comet is seen from which a glowing energy emanates… Back in Windsor, the mathematician finally reveals the result of his calculations to the woman, telling her that the Nemesis comet circles the earth every 25 years, and its decaying trajectory means that it will eventually fall to Earth from the point where it originally departed — the meadow outside. This will occur on 23 November 1988.

At a jazz performance by Courtney Pine, the Seventh Doctor and Ace relax and enjoy the music. Ace's newspaper has a story about a comet heading to Earth, but she is more interested in the football results. The Doctor hears a bleeping from his pocket watch, and wonders of what it is trying to remind him. Pine's performance ends to applause and Ace asks him to sign a tape for her. As they head back to the TARDIS, a concealed marksman raises a gun towards them. At the sound of gunfire, Ace and the Doctor duck down and retreat quickly towards the TARDIS, but have to jump in the river to escape their pursuers. Two men arrive wielding guns and wearing headsets, but assuming they must have got their targets leave again. The Doctor and Ace then struggle back on to the riverbank, safe now.

In 1638, the mathematician dreams of great inventions that he could discover. The lady tells her servant to bring forth the potion, and he replies that they only require the final ingredient, human blood. They look meaningfully towards the mathematician…

The Doctor fetches out a new tape deck that he has built to replace the one of Ace's that had been destroyed by the Daleks. This one however, can do much more than play tapes. Telling Ace that his reminder had a terminal rating meaning some planet somewhere is facing imminent destruction, an image of the planet Earth appears on the tape deck…

In 1638, the woman and her servant drink their magic potion and begin and are surrounded by a glowing miasma, and beginning to travel forwards through time. They appear in present day Windsor in the middle of a cafe, somewhat to the surprise of its customers.

Admitting that he has known about the possible destruction of Earth for 350 years, the Doctor and Ace take a quick trip in the TARDIS to Windsor Castle. Rummaging around in its basement, the Doctor tells Ace he is looking for a silver bow.

As the comet finally hits Earth, the Stuart woman's arrow begins to pulsate with light. In the castle, the Doctor and Ace feel the force of the impact. The Doctor tells Ace that it is the return to Earth of a comet called Nemesis, and then reveals that it was he who had launched it into space in the first place. Led by their glowing bow, the group of Nazis head towards the comet in a van. De Flores is in no rush to retrieve the Nemesis yet, as the comet will be too hot due its descent through the atmosphere. He tells his soldiers they will wait in a hotel leaving British police to guard the site, unaware of the true power of the Nemesis. In the castle, Ace finds a card telling the history of the bow, relating how it disappeared in 1788, and that unless a place is kept in the castle for its return, the entire silver statue will return to destroy the world. The Doctor tells her that the statue has indeed returned with that purpose. At this point, the lights dim, and Ace thinks it is a power cut.

Travelling back in time to 1638, the Doctor and Ace go to the time travelling woman's house in Windsor. Seeing the corpse of the mathematician, the Doctor hurriedly covers it with a cloth so that Ace does not see it. The Doctor sees the mathematician's calculations and is impressed that he had been able to work out when the Nemesis comet will return to Earth, only months since the Doctor's previous visit. The Doctor reveals that the woman — Lady Peinforte — made the Nemesis statue depicting herself out of a silver metal that fell to Earth in the meadow outside her house. The Doctor sees a chessboard, the game is going rather badly. He tells Ace that Peinforte managed to travel forward in time to 1988 using the arrow and a rudimentary knowledge of time travel, but mostly black magic. He says that she has a nose for secrets. The Doctor tells Ace the statue is made of a living metal — Validium — which is capable of great destruction.

Peinforte and her servant Richard withdraw from the statue to assess the strength of the police guarding it. The police are having their own problems, their radios are not working, the batteries are dead. Around the comet crash site, vents emerge from the ground spewing gas, causing the policemen to choke and fall unconscious.

The TARDIS materialises outside Windsor Castle in 1988. The Doctor and Ace follow a group of tourists on a guided tour. Seeing a no entry sign, they sneak into the castle. Hearing the bark of dogs, they see a woman coming towards them with several corgis. The Doctor tells Ace to look like they own the place, because that always works. Although the Doctor does not recognise the woman, Ace immediately realises that it is the Queen Elizabeth II and drags him into hiding. However, when she tells him who it was, he races after the Queen, saying they need the armed forces and police on their side, and what better person could they ask? The Doctor and Ace are seized by security guards before they can get anywhere near the Queen. The Doctor informs them that they got into the castle by travelling in time and space, but they are incredulous. The Doctor tells them the fate of every living person is in danger, but the guards do not believe him. The Doctor dons a pair of oversized glasses and glaring at them intones, "you will believe me! you will let us go!" Distracted by this spectacle, the Doctor and Ace flee into the corridors of the castle. As they run, Ace sees a portrait of herself hanging on a stairwell wall. When she says she does not remember this happening, the Doctor tells her that it has not happened yet.

Richard asks Peinforte what she will do when she gains control of the Nemesis, and she replies that first she will exact revenge on that "predictable little man". She predicts that he will soon arrive, and tells Richard she knows the secret of the "nameless Doctor."

De Flores and his germans make their move for the Nemesis comet and see the unconscious policemen. He takes the bow case and places it on the comet, and within the Nemesis statue begins to glow. The Doctor and Ace arrive, and De Flores demands they hand over the arrow. The Doctor reveals that the bow and arrow give the Validium metal critical mass. The Doctor confronts De Flores and asks if he has observed the advanced technology, which has been used to attack the policemen, and the power blackouts that have been occurring over the last few days. De Flores threatens to shoot Ace if they do not tell him where the arrow is, but at this moment a large spacecraft lands near the crash site. The doors open and from within emerge a troop of Cybermen…


The Cyberleader recognises the Doctor, even though his appearance has changed, and tells the onlookers that the Cybermen had predicted his presence. The germans open fire on the Cybermen but their bullets are ineffective. The Cybermen open fire and drive the Nazis away. The Doctor says that this happened before, but before it was the Roundheads and Lady Peinforte. Peinforte shoots one of the Cybermen with a bow and arrow. De Flores finds one of her arrows and sees that it is gold-tipped. Peinforte and Richard withdraw, allowing the Nazis and the Cybermen to fight it out, hoping to retrieve the Nemesis in the aftermath. In the confusion, the Doctor and Ace manage to seize the silver bow and return to the TARDIS. Peinforte sees this and tries to shoot them, but her arrow thuds into the TARDIS door just as it dematerialises.

While Peinforte and Richard enter the town of Windsor, the Cybermen begin to cut the Nemesis statue free of the comet. The Doctor and Ace go back to Peinforte's house in 1638. The body of the mathematician has gone, and the chess pieces have also been moved. The Doctor tells Ace that although the mathematician was a genius, he had needed a little help to get started. The Doctor picks up a piece of paper from the desk and throws it into the fireplace. Making a further move on the chessboard, they leave.

Materialising back in the present day, the Doctor explains that Validium was created on Ancient Gallifrey by Omega and Rassilon as the ultimate defence. Some of it however left Gallifrey, and now they must stop Peinforte or anyone else reuniting the statue, the bow and the arrow. Using the bow to lead them, they proceed in the direction of the statue.

In Windsor, Peinforte and Richard are confronted by two thugs. Asking if they are social workers, the thugs demand money. Soon after, the pair of skinheads are seen hanging tied up by their ankles in a tree, whilst their cloths burn on a bonfire. The Doctor uses the tape deck to start transmitting a signal, which interferes with the Cybermen's communications. As they proceed, they see the pair of thugs still tied up, and are surprised when they hear that social workers did this to them.

As Richard is terrified by the sight of a bizarre creature, a llama, Peinforte tells him that if he does not help her retrieve the Nemesis, she will abandon him in this future time. He then sees that they are standing by a memorial statue. She tells him that it is his tomb, placed in the grounds of her own burial place. The arrow starts glowing and they realise that that is where the Cybermen have taken the Nemesis statue. As they scour the tomb for Nemesis, the Cybermen prepare to attack, but realising they are armed with gold arrows retreat. Opening up her grave, they see that it does not contain her bones.

The Doctor asks Ace if she ignored his instructions and prepared any Nitro-9 explosive. When she denies it, he tells her to blow up the Cybermen's spacecraft. He distracts the Cyberman-controlled human guards, and Ace throws her rucksack into the vehicle causing an explosion destroying it completely. When the Cybermen return, they think the human guards have betrayed them and kill them. De Flores approaches the Cybermen and starts to quote Wagner comparing themselves to supermen and the Cybermen to giants. He strikes a deal with the Cyberleader to kill Peinforte and Richard in exchange for a share of control of Earth after its conquest. The Cybermen have no intention of honouring the deal, and plan to kill the germans after the death of Peinforte.

The Doctor tells Ace that every time the Nemesis comet approached Earth in its 25 year orbit, it caused destruction: in 1913, the eve of the First World War; 1938, Hitler annexes Austria; 1963 Kennedy assassinated, and now it is 1988. They use the tape deck scanner trying to find the cyber-fleet.

Opening up the grave fully, Peinforte gazes upon her own image shown on the Nemesis statue. However, De Flores and his man arrives with guns, and Richard has only one arrow left. In fear, he hands over the arrow to De Flores and drags Peinforte away leaving the Nazis in control of Nemesis. De Flores believes he now has all three parts of the Validium. Placing the arrow in the statues hands, it becomes more animated. The Cybermen arrive and ask De Flores where the bow is. When he opens the case he sees that he does not have it at all.

The Doctor sees a chameleon and realises the Cyber-fleet is shrouded, and making the adjustment to the tape deck reveals the entire fleet of Cyber-warships, thousands of them…


The Doctor decides to activate the Validium by taking the bow to the crypt. When Ace seems frightened, the Doctor tells her she can wait in the TARDIS, but she refuses and wants to accompany the Doctor.

Meanwhile, De Flores realises he has overplayed his hand and tries to negotiate with the Cyberleader. The Cyberleader orders his lieutenant to kill De Flores, but he throws gold dust in the leader's face and flees. The other Nazi however turns on De Flores and offers him to the Cybermen, asking to be made into a Cyberman himself. The two Nazis are then taken to be prepared for Cyber-conversion. As the Doctor and Ace arrive at the crypt, the jazz tape finishes playing and the Cybermen's communications begin working. The Doctor enters the crypt holding the bow, and manoeuvring past the Cybermen with Ace places the bow in the Statue's hands but snatches it away again. The statue awakens and begins to follow the bow.

Going back to 1638, the Doctor continues his chess game against his unknown opponent. Ace asks him who brought the Validium to Earth in the first place, and what is really going on but he remains silent. Taking a bag of gold coins, they leave.

Peinforte begins to rant about all power being hers and her intent to retrieve the Nemesis. They come to the road, and attempt to hitch a lift in a passing car. Richard stands with his thumb out but no cars stops for them. Seeing this fail, Peinforte steps into the middle of the road. A large car stops, and an American woman offers to take them into Windsor. She tells them that she is in England discovering her roots. Revealing she is descended from the 17th century Remington family, Peinforte calls them thieves and swindlers. Mentioning a Dorothea Remington, the American woman recognises the name, and Peinforte knows that Dorothea died in 1621 from a slow poison.

With the Cybermen set off after the Nemesis and the Doctor, De Flores is released from his bonds by his man, who had deceived the Cybermen into thinking he had betrayed the Nazi leader. Meanwhile, the Doctor and Ace materialise inside the hangar containing the comet. Soon the Nemesis statue arrives, and the Doctor gives it the bow. The Nemesis speaks to Ace telling her that it was fashioned by Peinforte into its current beautiful form, but that it has also had horrific forms in the past, and will again in the future. The Cybermen arrive and Ace shoots one down using a gold coin and a catapult. The Cybermen pursue her, but she manages to elude them. The Doctor sets the trajectory of the rocket sled containing the Nemesis, headed for the Cyber-fleet. Ace becomes trapped on a gantry between two Cybermen and the Cyberleader, with only a single remaining gold coin. The Cybermen lift their guns to shoot her, but she fires the gold coin at the Cyberleader and ducks, causing the other two Cybermen to shoot each other instead. The Nemesis asks the Doctor if she must destroy the entire Cyber-fleet, to which he says that she must. She asks the Doctor whether she will be needed again, or whether she will have her freedom, but the Doctor hushes her.

Ace arrives down from the gantry, but is surrounded by two more Cybermen. They demand that the Doctor hands the bow over to them, but the Doctor threatens to destroy the bow if they harm her. Placing it in front of the rocket sled engines, he grabs Ace. As the two Cybermen advance towards them, the engines fire killing the two Cybermen. However, up on the gantry the Cyberleader plucks the gold coin from its chest unit. De Flores arrives and picks up the bow. He speaks to the Nemesis, but she remains silent. The Cyberleader raises his gun and shoots De Flores dead, and demands that the Doctor hands over the bow. At this point, Peinforte and Richard arrive. Demanding the bow for herself, she asks Ace who the Doctor is, and whether she knows where he came from. Ace says that nobody knows who the Doctor is, but Peinforte says that she does. When Ace asks how, she says the Nemesis told her. The Doctor asks what will happen if he gives her the bow, to which Peinforte replies his power will be hers, but his secrets remain his own. Appearing to concede defeat, the Doctor says he is surrendering, but not to Peinforte, rather to the Cybermen. Peinforte threatens to reveal his secret, but he just tells her to proceed. She says that she will tell them of Gallifrey, of the Old Time, the time of Chaos. However, the Cyberleader says that the secrets of the Time Lords are of no interest of the Cybermen.

The Cyberleader tells the Doctor to cancel the Nemesis's destructive capabilities. The Doctor asks the statue if she understands the Cyberleader's instructions, and she replies "perfectly". The triumphant Cyberleader tells the Doctor to set that statue's course to rendezvous with the Cyberfleet. He tells them that the Earth will become their new base planet, the new Mondas. Launching the Nemesis, Peinforte screams and throws herself into the rocket sled and merges with the Nemesis. The rocket sled takes off and heads out into space. It arrives in the midst of the Cyber-fleet and there is an enormous explosion, destroying all of the Cyber-warships. The Cyberleader asks how it is possible, and the Doctor replies that he merely asked if Nemesis had understood the instruction, but had not said anything about obeying them. The Cyberleader prepares to kill the Doctor, but Richard grabs the gold-tipped arrow from the TARDIS door, and stabs it into the Cyberleader's chest unit, finally killing it.

The Doctor and Ace return Richard to 1638. There, Richard and a Stuart woman perform a concert for them. Ace asks the Doctor who he really is, but he just puts a finger to his lips and listens to the music…
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy ( Doctor no. 7 saga part 7)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 am

The Seventh Doctor and Ace respond to an invitation to visit the mysterious Psychic Circus on the planet Segonax, despite Ace’s fear of clowns and reluctance to go. Other travellers have arrived on the wasteland world too – the fannish Whizz Kid; the motorcycling maniac Nord; tiresome bore and intergalactic explorer Captain Cook and his companion Mags, whom the Captain curiously refers to as a "unique specimen".

But all is not pleasant outside the circus tent. The clowns are all mechanised apart from the human Chief Clown, who travels around in a hearse and recaptures an errant robot repairman Bellboy when he tries to escape. His companion in flight, Flower Child, is killed by something mysterious aboard a disused hippie bus. It turns out to be a robot conductor which also attacks the Doctor, Captain, Ace and Mags. The Doctor destroys the killer robot, while Ace finds one of Flower Child’s earrings and pins it to her jacket as a keepsake. They venture on to the circus tent itself, but Ace hesitates. She thinks he hears screaming which is Mags who is already in the Circus and is seeing Bellboy being punished. Outside, the impatient doctor inquires: "Are we going in, or aren't we?"

The Doctor learns from Morgana the ticket seller that the Circus was founded by hippies as part of their artistic expression. They both join the audience, noticing the only other observers are a small family of three – father, mother, daughter – who observe the central stage with stoic disdain. The Ringmaster soon appears and invites the Doctor to join the entertainment. He agrees and is taken backstage where Nord, the Captain and Mags are also being kept. It appears that audience members are expected to become part of the show. Nord is duped into performing first and when his act fails to amuse he is obliterated.

The Chief Clown meanwhile interrogates Ace as to where she got the earring, suspicious of the girl. She flees deeper into the circus and finds Bellboy strapped to a work bench. She hides as the Chief Clown frees him and then ventures back to the main entrance where she sees Morgana and the Ringmaster arguing about the Circus. He does not share her ethical qualms about the means used to fill the Circus. Their argument is interrupted by the arrival of Whizz Kid, who is ushered into the ring. He too is obliterated when he fails to please.

The Doctor and Mags venture deeper into the Circus and find a vast well shaft which illustrates a pulse of energy at its core. A curious eye symbol can be found there which is also depicted at the heart of a crystal ball owned by Morgana, inspiring her to pledge her loyalty to the forces that control the circus. Then the Captain enters with a group of robotic clowns, telling the Doctor it is his turn, and he is in the ring.

Ace has meanwhile met with Bellboy, who tells her more about the origins of the circus. One of the workers, Dead Beat, was once called Kingpin and brought them to Segonax in search of a great power which has now gone horribly wrong. The death of Flower Child was at the hands of a robot he built himself and he feels wracked with guilt. When the Chief Clown arrives to recapture him, Bellboy sets a reprogrammed clown on himself and it kills him.

The Doctor has meanwhile escaped and encountered Dead Beat and realised he is key to the situation. They find Ace too and together they visit the well again. Dead Beat has a medallion embossed with the image of the eye which is missing a piece and Ace and Dead Beat head off to the bus to try and find it. The Doctor returns to the circus proper and finds himself in the ring with Mags, but Captain Cook is one step ahead. In an effort to ensure a good show and thus save his own skin a little longer, the Captain engineers simulated moonlight is beamed into the ring and Mags begins to transform into a werewolf.

Unfortunately for the Captain her chosen victim is him – but the whole macabre spectacle has delighted the trio in the crowd. The Doctor and a shaken Mags slip away, with the Family demanding more entertainment. The Ringmaster and Morgana are now tested in the ring and killed when they fail to entertain.

Ace and Dead Beat destroy the Bus Conductor and retrieve the missing jewel for the medallion. With it back in place, Dead Beat’s mind is restored and he becomes Kingpin once more. They return to the circus – disposing of the Chief Clown and his minions en route – to find the Doctor has become the next person in the ring, having responded to a challenge from the Family. When he enters the ring this time he realises that is a dimensional portal and that the Family are in fact the Gods of Ragnarok, who feed on entertainment and kill those who do not satisfy them. After an array of tricks and japes he holds off the Gods long enough for Ace and Kingpin to throw the medallion into the well. It reaches the Doctor through the dimensional portal and he uses it to repulse the power of the Gods. Thus it is they themselves who are the next victims of their own power. The Doctor returns to the Psychic Circus as it disintegrates and explodes, and flees with his friends. He and Ace depart while Kingpin and Mags elect to set up a new circus on another planet
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Name: Invader Zim
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Battlefield (Doctor no 7 saga part 8 )   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 8:01 am

In response to a distress signal, the Seventh Doctor and Ace materialize the TARDIS near Lake Vortigern in England. The sound of explosions leads the TARDIS crew into the acquaintance of Brigadier Bambera of UNIT, in charge of a nuclear missile convoy. Following from the encounter, the retired Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart is informed of the Doctor's return, and a helicopter is sent to his country home to collect him, against the protests of his wife, Doris.

Later, at the Gore Crow hotel, the Doctor and Ace meet a young woman called Shou Yuing, who shares Ace's love of explosives. Meanwhile, as Bambera stops to examine a blue police telephone box, she is caught in the crossfire between two groups of armoured knights, using both swords and futuristic guns.

The Doctor shows interest in a scabbard, excavated from the battlefield. The scabbard is hot to the Doctor's touch, and the hotel owner's blind wife, Elizabeth, says she can sense it waiting for something, or someone. When the archaeologist Warmsly arrives at the hotel, he dates the scabbard to the 8th century. The Doctor senses that it has been waiting for far longer.

As Ace and Shou Yuing share a talk about explosives, a knight sails through the brewery's roof, making a huge commotion. On investigation, the Doctor, Ace and Shou Yuing find the knight Ancelyn — who wakes, to recognize the Doctor as "Merlin". While the Doctor mulls the portent of this revelation, the party is surrounded by an ominous group of knights.

Bambera faces down their leader, Mordred. He is shocked to see "Merlin", who he believed bound by his mother, Morgaine. Following some vague threats from the Doctor, Mordred's knights retreat. Later, as Mordred begins an arcane ritual, the scabbard in the hotel flies across the room. Morgaine arrives on the scene through a rift in space and time; she proceeds to psychically taunt the Doctor.

The next day, Warmsly shows the Doctor where he uncovered the scabbard. They find a rune, which the Doctor translates to "Dig hole here." On further question, he replies that it is his own handwriting. Using a canister of Nitro-9, Ace blows an opening.

On arrival in Carbury, Lethbridge-Stewart's helicopter is shot down by Morgaine's sorcery. As Morgaine's knights hold a remembrance ceremony for the soldiers of Earth's world wars, Lethbridge-Stewart has a peaceable encounter with Morgaine — though she threatens Lethbridge-Stewart, in the event they should meet again.

The Doctor and Ace enter a chamber under the lake, finding the door keyed to the Doctor's voice. The Doctor tells Ace that this "Merlin" may well be a future version of himself. Presently, they realize that the chamber is part of an organic spaceship. They also find the body of King Arthur. When Ace removes a sword from a plinth, she activates a defence mechanism, unleashing a hostile, glowing entity. In attempt to hide, Ace enters an alcove. A door closes, and the alcove starts to fill with water. As Ace yells for help, the entity knocks the Doctor unconscious.

The Doctor recovers just in time to fiddle with a control panel, and eject Ace from the space ship. As Ancelyn and Warmsly stand at the shore, discussing the Lady of the Lake, Ace emerges, still grasping the sword. Ancelyn identifies it as Excalibur. The Brigadier arrives on-scene, in time to destroy the creature below the lake and rescue the Doctor.

Mordred and Morgaine go to the hotel, to retrieve Excalibur. When Lavel shoots, Morgaine simply catches her bullet with sorcery. Morgaine takes knowledge from Lavel's mind, then turns her body to dust. As she leaves, she pays Mordred's drinking tab by restoring Elizabeth's sight. Meanwhile, UNIT troops are staging an evacuation. The Brigadier shows off some of UNIT's specialized ammunition, and the Doctor inquires about silver bullets.

The Doctor instructs Ace to draw a chalk circle around herself, to protect against Morgaine's sorcery. He then drives off in his old car, Bessie, hoping to halt a battle between Morgaine's knights and the UNIT soldiers. A storm breaks outside the hotel, so Ace and Shou Yuing draw the circle around themselves and Excalibur. A localized night falls. Within the circle, Ace and Shou Yuing start to bicker. Ace nearly leaves the circle, before they realise they are being toyed with.

Just as Mordred and Ancelyn are about to fight, the Doctor intervenes. Mordred, however, reveals that this battle is merely a ruse to lure the Doctor, and that Morgaine has summoned the Destroyer of Worlds. Morgaine appears before Ace and Shou Yuing, and tries to entice them to hand over Excalibur. When they refuse, she unleashes the Destroyer.

The Doctor and the Brigadier capture Mordred, and set off for the hotel. Meanwhile, Morgaine is occupied with Ace's circle. On return, the Doctor finds the hotel in ruins yet Ace and Shou Yuing safe. He is pleased to hear that Ace gave up Excalibur to Morgaine, if doing so protected her. In the debris, the Doctor finds a portal to Morgaine's castle; he, the Brigadier, and Ace enter. On arrival, the Brigadier shoots the Destroyer, to no effect. The Destroyer's return volley sends the Brigadier flying through the window. Ace bursts through the portal, ramming into Morgaine, knocking Excalibur from her grasp.

Morgaine releases the Destroyer's bonds. In the confusion, she scoops up Excalibur and enters the gateway along with Mordred.

Outside, the Doctor readies the Brigadier's revolver and silver bullets — yet the Brigadier knocks him out, retrieves his gun, and faces the Destroyer alone. After some dialog, the Brigadier empties the revolver into the Destroyer's chest. The Doctor wakes to find the castle engulfed in flames. He spots the Brigadier's prostrate form, and begins to mourn his fallen friend — at which point the Brigadier stirs and rises, scuffed but unharmed.

Back at the convoy, Morgaine and Mordred attempt to detonate the nuclear missile. The Doctor confronts Morgaine, insisting that there is no honour to nuclear warfare. She agrees, then asks to fight Arthur in single combat. He tells her of Arthur's death, to her sadness. The Doctor prevents Mordred from killing Ancelyn, and asks Bambera to imprison Mordred and Morgaine.

Back at the Brigadier's house, Doris thumbs her nose at her husband by going for a drive in Bessie with Ace, Shou Yuing, and Bambera, leaving him and the other men to do the gardening and prepare supper.
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Ghost Light (Doctor no 7 part 9)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 8:02 am

In 1883 the mansion house of Gabriel Chase in Perivale near London is under the control of the mysterious Josiah Samuel Smith, who has subjugated the occupants via some form of brainwashing. It is a most mysterious place, where the serving women brandish guns and the butler is a Neanderthal named Nimrod. Other occupants include Gwendoline, the daughter of the original owners of the house who have now disappeared; the calculating night housekeeper Mrs Pritchard; the crazed explorer Redvers Fenn-Cooper; and the Reverend Ernest Matthews, opponent of the theory of evolution which Smith has done much to spread. For his pains Matthews is transformed by Smith into an ape and placed in a display case.

The TARDIS arrives at Gabriel Chase. It turns out that Ace had visited the house in 1983 and had felt an evil presence, and the Seventh Doctor‘s curiosity drives him to seek the answers. Something is also alive and evolving in the cellar beneath the house and when Ace investigates she finds two animated and dangerous husks. The cellar is in fact a vast stone spaceship with something trapped inside. The Doctor, meanwhile, works his way through the stuffed animals in Gabriel Chase and eventually finds a human in suspended animation, an Inspector Mackenzie, who came to the house two years earlier in search of the owners. The Doctor revives him and together they seek to unlock the mysteries of Gabriel Chase. He also encounters the evolving creature from the cellar, known as Control, which has now taken on human form. The Doctor helps it release the trapped creature from the cellar, a being known as Light who takes the form of an angel.

Thousands of years in the past, an alien spaceship came to Earth to catalogue all life on the planet. After completing its task and collecting some samples, which included the Neanderthal, the leader Light went into slumber. By 1881 the ship had returned to Earth. While Control remained imprisoned on the ship to serve as the "control" subject of the scientific investigation, events transpired such that Smith, the "survey agent", mutinied against Light, keeping him in hibernation on the ship. Smith began evolving into the era's dominant life-form—a Victorian gentleman—and also took over the house. By 1883, Smith, having "evolved" into forms approximating a human and casting off his old husks as an insect would, managed to lure and capture the explorer Fenn-Cooper within his den. Utilizing Fenn-Cooper's association with Queen Victoria, he plans to get close to her so that he can assassinate her and subsequently take control of the British Empire.

Light is displeased by all the change that has occurred on the planet while he was asleep. While Light tries to make sense of all the change, Smith tries to keep his plan intact, but events are moving beyond his control. Light turns Gwendoline and her missing mother, revealed to be Mrs Pritchard, to stone in a bid to stop the speed of evolution; while Inspector Mackenzie meets a sticky end and is turned into a primordial soup to serve at dinner. As Control tries to "evolve" into a Lady, and Ace tries to come to grips with her feelings about the house, the Doctor himself tries to keep the upper hand in all the events that have been set in motion. The Doctor finally convinces Light of the futility of opposing evolution, which causes him to overload and dissipate into the surrounding house. It was this presence that Ace sensed and which caused her to burn the house in 1983. Also, Control's complete evolution into a Lady derails Smith's plan as Fenn-Cooper, having freed himself from Smith's brainwashing, chooses to side with her instead of him. In the end, with Smith now the new Control creature imprisoned on the ship, Control, Fenn-Cooper and Nimrod set off in the alien ship to explore the universe.
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PostSubject: The Curse of Fenric ( Doctor no 7 part 10)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 8:04 am

The TARDIS arrives at a top-secret English naval installation near Maiden's Point on the Northumbrian coast in the middle of World War II. The Doctor and Ace discover that the purpose of the base, run by Millington, is to intercept German communications and to attempt to decrypt them using the ULTIMA computer stored there. However, Millington also reveals that the area around the base is a source of the primary components for a lethal nerve gas that they stockpiled, hoping to use it to end the war. Meanwhile, the wheelchair-bound Dr. Judson is attempted to study Viking relics that lie in the crypt of a nearby church, which indicate some curse that befell the Vikings after plundering some Oriental treasures. The base is unaware of small contingent of Soviet soldiers, led by Captain Sorin, with secret orders to capture ULTIMA. When the The Doctor and Ace discover the group, the Doctor warns them to wait and collect intelligence instead of a frontal assault, while Ace and Sorin become smitten with each other.

In the church, a series of Viking runes suddenly appear. Ace inadvertently gives Judson an idea of how to decrypt the inscription before the Doctor can warn her not to do so, worried about its potential consequences. Judson and Millington, using the ULTIMA machine, decodes the message as "Let the chains of Fenric shatter." Millington, who has followed the Viking legends, believes that he will be able to receive the dark power of Fenric, an ancient evil that has existed since the dawn of the universe, when the inscription is fully translated. The Doctor and Ace attempt to regroup with the Soviets to get their help to stop Millington, but are chased by vampire-like creatures, Haemovores, that have been summoned from the water's depths by the inscription and have been attacking others in the area. Making their way through the crypts, they discover one of the Oriental vases, glowing with a green light, but this is confiscated by Millington when they return to the base. Millington using the vase within ULTIMA, and Judson completes the decryption, upon which he is struck with a bolt of energy from it. The Doctor and Ace arrive too late to realise that Fenric has claimed Judson's body as his own.

The Doctor and Ace flee as Fenric uses his haemovore army to either kill or convert the members of the base. Ace is able to warn one of the WRNS, Kathleen, along with her baby Audrey, to leave the area as fast as possible before she is killed. The Doctor explains that he had faced Fenric long ago, having defeated him by besting him in a chess problem and banishing him. After finding the last remaining chess set from Kathleen, they return to the base, where Fenric awaits them in the nerve gas stockpile, having summoned the Ancient One, the haemovore that commands all the others. The Doctor sets up a chess problem which Fenric is unable to ignore, giving the Doctor and Ace more time to find a solution. Sorin, who has lost all his troops to either the English soldiers or haemovores, arrives in the chamber and attempts to shoot Fenric, but Fenric reveals that like Judson, Millington, the Ancient One, and others, they have all descended from those that carried the curse to the English shores, and they are all his "dogs".

Ace, returning to the toxic store, finds Sorin contemplating the problem, unaware that Fenric now inhabits him, and tells him how to solve it. The Doctor arrives moments later to find Fenric has defeated his puzzle, and attempts to send the Ancient One against the Doctor. However a psychic barrier created by Ace's faith in the Doctor prevents the Ancient One from acting. The Doctor is forced to break Ace's faith by explaining that Fenric has had his hand in Ace's life as well, as he was responsible for the time storm that sent her to an alien planet and her meeting with the Doctor. Fenric gloats that Ace has perpetuated his triumph, pointing out that Kathleen's daughter will be Ace's mother whom Ace despises, the Doctor unable to tell Ace this. With Ace's faith shattered, the Ancient One is free to move, but instead of attacking the Doctor, the being drags Fenric into an isolation chamber and exposes both of them to the lethal nerve gas before the chamber explodes, killing them both.

Ace takes a moment to contemplate why she hates her mother and to absolve her irrational fear of the water before she and the Doctor return to the TARDIS
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Survival (Doctor no 7 part 11)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 8:05 am

The Seventh Doctor brings Ace back to her home town of Perivale in the suburbs of North West London. The suburb is not as it should be: a mysterious black cat is wandering around, somehow creating a situation in which humans are hunted down and made to disappear to another dimension. Ace becomes worried when most of her old friends seem to have disappeared, but the Doctor is more preoccupied with the behaviour of the strange cat. It becomes apparent the black cat is being controlled by a strange being in the other dimension, viewing the scenes in Perivale through the cat’s eyes and choosing which humans to chase and transport. An unhappy young man called Stuart becomes his next victim. Ace follows soon afterwards, hunted down by a Cheetah Person on horseback, which seems to have a hunting affinity with the curious cat. Later the Doctor and a keep-fit instructor called Patterson are chosen and teleported to another world, bathed in a blood-red sky, where the Doctor finds his nemesis the Master who greets him.

The renegade is evidently unwell, his eyes and mouth displaying feline characteristics, and is using the black cat (or kitling) to create a dimensional bridge for the Cheetah People to hunt prey on Earth. Quite why he is doing this is unclear, other than he seems keen to keep the Cheetah People occupied somehow. He tells the Doctor that the planet is alive and has a bewitching influence; the indigenous population bred the kitlings and had a great civilisation, but they regressed into animals through the power of the planet. He too is beginning to show changes and needs the Doctor's help to escape from the planet.

Ace has meanwhile made contact with some of her friends, Shreela and Midge, who are hiding in some woods with a young man called Derek. The planet is evidently dangerous as both Stuart and a terrified milkman find out when a Cheetah Person hunts him to the death. Ace and her friends soon find the Doctor and Patterson, and the Time Lord has deduced they are on a very ancient planet which is dying. A Cheetah pack then attacks and during the fight back Midge kills one Cheetah while Ace injures another, called Karra. She begins to form an attachment to Karra and nurses her, tending her injuries, which worries the Doctor greatly. In time Ace’s eyes change and she begins to transform into a Cheetah herself. She abandons the Doctor to go hunting with Karra but he eventually wins her round.

Midge has meanwhile completely fallen to the power of the planet and is turning into an animal. The Master seizes on this and uses Midge to teleport them both back to Earth and away from the dying world. The Doctor persuades Ace to help him get back to Perivale and she does so, also enabling Patterson, Derek and Shreela to flee the strange planet. Patterson denies anything amiss has taken place, falling back on his “survival of the fittest” mantras and his self defence classes. The Doctor and Ace now head around Perivale in search for Midge and the Master. They eventually find them at the youth club, where they have killed Patterson for sport, and Midge too is killed in the Master’s machinations. Karra’s arrival brings comfort to Ace, whose transformation is continuing, but the Master kills Karra too.

The Master transports the Doctor with him back to the Cheetah Planet for a final conflict but the Doctor resists the pull of the planet, turning away from violence, and is transported away from the dying world. However, the Master looks doomed on the planet as it begins to break up. The Doctor has gone back to the TARDIS and Earth, where he finds Ace, whose metamorphosis has reversed, and tells her she will have grown through the experience: the element of the Cheetah Planet, however, will remain within her forever and they return to the TARDIS.
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PostSubject: Dimensions in Time ( 3,4,5,6,7 involved)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 8:07 am

The Rani has opened a hole in time, allowing her access to the Doctor's timeline. She uses this to cycle through the Doctor's lives, causing him and his companions to jump back and forth between past and present incarnations. Her intention is to capture the Doctor(s) in a time loop, trapping him in London's East End; she has already captured the First and Second Doctor in the time hole. This causes the Fourth Doctor to send a message to his remaining selves, warning them of the Rani's plan.

Fourth Doctor: "Mayday! Mayday! This is an urgent message for all the Doctors. It's vitally important that you listen carefully to me for once. Our whole existence is being threatened by a renegade Time Lord known only as the Rani! She hates me. She even hates children! Two of my earlier selves have already been snared in her vicious trap. The grumpy one and the flautist, do you remember? She wants to put us out of action, lock us away in a dreary backwater of London's East End, trapped in a time-loop in perpetuity. Her evil is all around us! I can hear the heart beat of a killer. She's out there somewhere. We must be on our guard and we must stop her before she destroys all of my other selves! Oh ... Good luck, my dears!"

The Seventh Doctor and Ace are confused when the TARDIS lands in Greenwich, near the Cutty Sark, thanks to the Rani's attack on the TARDIS. The Doctor finds a newspaper showing the year to be 1973, but before he can make any more conclusions, the Rani causes time to jump. Ace finds herself in Albert Square in 1993 with the Sixth Doctor. Local resident Sanjay tries to sell Ace some new clothes from his stall, and when his wife Gita tells the Sixth Doctor that it is going to be all the rage in 1994, the Rani jumps time again.

The Third Doctor and Mel appear from the time jump, and question an old Pauline Fowler and Kathy Beale on when they are. When Pauline and Kathy reply that it is 2013, another time jump occurs. In 1973, Pauline and Kathy remember the assassination of President Kennedy, while Kathy tells off a young Ian Beale. The Sixth Doctor and Susan Foreman appear, but Susan wonders what has happened to 'her' Doctor, the First.

After another time jump, Susan changes into Sarah Jane Smith and the Doctor changes from the Sixth to the Third Doctor. They start to piece together what is happening to them, but the Rani lets loose her menagerie of specimens, including a Cyberman, Fifi (from The Happiness Patrol), a Sea Devil, an Ogron and a Time Lord from Gallifrey in the next time jump. In 1993, the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Peri are attacked by the Rani's menagerie, and after they tried to warn Pat Butcher of the danger, the Rani stops them outside of the Queen Vic.

After the Fifth Doctor changed to the Third Doctor in the next time jump, with Liz Shaw, the Rani was controling Liz's mind Mandy Salter tries to stop the Rani, Captain Mike Yates of UNIT comes in Bessie to save the Third Doctor and get him to The Brigadier who is waiting for him.

After another time jump, the Doctor changed to the Sixth Doctor and after he says goodbye to the Brigadier time jumps again. In 1993, at The Arches, Phil and Grant Mitchell find Romana looking for The Doctor, but they point her to Dr Legg, and as Romana walks past the Queen Vic, the Rani captures her, in front of Frank Butcher.

The Rani makes the mistake of capturing Leela while she is in the form of Romana. This results in a Time Lord brain imprint being left on the computer inside the Rani's TARDIS, which gives the Doctor the edge needed to rig up a device to overload it, sending the Rani into the time tunnel where she had trapped the First and Second Doctors and freeing the Doctors' other selves from the loop. As the Seventh Doctor and Ace leave in the TARDIS, the Doctor observes "I — I mean, we — are difficult to get rid of".
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Doctor Who (the twlight of doctor no. 7)   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 8:09 am

The Master is put on trial on the planet Skaro, and sentenced to extermination by the Daleks. His last wish is for his remains to be returned to Gallifrey by his archenemy, the Doctor, currently in his seventh regeneration form. During the trip back to Gallifrey in his TARDIS, the vessel shakes, causing the box containing the Master's remains to shatter and allowing a sentient ooze to escape from it. The ooze enters the TARDIS controls and forces an emergency landing in Chinatown in San Francisco, California on the eve of the 21st Century. As the Doctor steps from the TARDIS to find his bearings, he is accidentally shot by a gang who are chasing down Chang Lee, a Chinese-American. Lee calls for an ambulance, and the Doctor is rushed to a nearby hospital. The surgeons find, through X-rays, that the Doctor has two hearts, and they call Dr. Grace Holloway, a cardiologist. She initially assumes the x-ray image is a double exposure, but as she starts to operate with a cardiac probe, the Doctor wakes up, tells her that he needs a beryllium atomic clock, and then falls into a seizure, eventually flatlining. Dr. Holloway declares the Doctor dead, and his body placed into a morgue; Lee is given the Doctor's possessions, including the TARDIS key, and he runs off. Meanwhile, the ooze, which had stowed away on the ambulance, attacks and takes over the body of the ambulance driver, Bruce. When Bruce's wife questions his odd behaviour, she is killed, with Bruce now revealing himself to be the Master.

Late in the night, the Doctor regenerates into a new body, and manages to escape from the morgue, donning parts of costumes intended for the New Year's Party later that night. He follows Dr. Holloway as she leaves the hospital, and convinces her that he is the same man she operated on earlier. Dr. Holloway takes the Doctor back to her home where the Doctor recovers the memories of his previous life. Meanwhile, Lee has returned to the TARDIS with the key, and enters the time machine. The Master soon arrives afterwards and subjects Lee to mind-control, forcing him to believe the Doctor is evil, and to open the Eye of Harmony through his human retinal pattern. The Doctor is fully aware of the Eye's opening, and tries to keep his own eyes shut to prevent the Master from seeing through his eyes as to prevent the Master from taking over his own body. The Doctor also warns Dr. Holloway that if they do not shut the Eye before midnight, the entire planet may be sucked into it, and that to close it, he needs an atomic clock. Dr. Holloway disbelieves the Doctor initially, but when he demonstrates that the nature of reality is already changing by walking through her bay windows without breaking them, she agrees to help, and helps him identify the unveiling of a atomic clock at the San Francisco Institute of Technological Advancement and Research. On the way to the Institute, they are stopped by the Master and Lee, as the Doctor does not yet recognize the Master's new form. However, when the Master reveals his eyes, the Doctor and Dr. Holloway quickly escape but not before the Master is able to shoot Dr. Holloway's wrist with a strange bile-like fluid.

At the Institute, the Doctor and Dr. Holloway manage to collect the integrated circuit chip with the atomic clock mechanism by subterfuge, and make their way back to the TARDIS. Once there, the Doctor is able to install the chip and close the eye, but discovers that that Eye has been open far too long, and that they must revert time before the Eye was opened to prevent the destruction of the Earth. However, before the Doctor can route power to the TARDIS, the Master is able to use the bile on Dr. Holloway's wrist to control her, and forces her to knock out the Doctor. The Doctor is chained above the Eye, his eyes forced open as to allow the Master to take his remaining regenerations. When the Doctor awakes, he tries to break Lee of the Master's spell on him, but to no avail; however, when the Master lies to Lee in order to get him to open the Eye again, Lee refuses, causing the Master to break his neck. The Master then uses his control of Dr. Holloway to open the Eye, though this breaks his control of her. While the Master begins the process of transferring the Doctor's remaining regenerations to him, Dr. Holloway is able to connect the last power circuit in the console room, sending the TARDIS into a time-holding pattern just moments after the turn of midnight, staving off destruction of the Earth. Dr. Holloway tries to return to help the Doctor, but she is through over a balcony and killed by the Master, but her interference has given the Doctor enough time to push the Master into the Eye itself, apparently killing him. The action causes the Eye to close, and time to revert back moments before midnight, bringing both Dr. Holloway and Lee back to life.

As the three recover, they find the world is safe. As Lee departs after returning the rest of the Doctor's possessions, the Doctor warns him not to be in San Francisco next year during New Year's Eve. The Doctor then offers Dr. Holloway to travel with her in the TARDIS, but she politely refuses, and also leaves. The Doctor returns to the TARDIS and sets the ship back on her original course.

oh and by the way this is where the old sires ends and the new sires begins
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 3:31 pm

WOW Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

i LIKE ALL THE dr.who's

my favorite is the shakespear spisode cheers

i cannot wait to see a santa one
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 4:13 pm

I feel that the shakespheser epsiode was.......FANTASTIC. Probly the epsoide that portrays this time period the best
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:27 pm

Rose (Doctor no.9 part 1)

Rose Tyler, a young woman of 19 accidentally trapped one evening in the London department store named Henriks where she works, finds herself surrounded by plastic mannequins that have come to life in the basement. She is saved by a man who introduces himself as "The Doctor" and tells her to flee the building. He then blows up the transmitter that controlled the mannequins from the store's roof, ravaging the building in the process. The Doctor visits the now unemployed Rose the next day and rescues her from a second attack by a mannequin's arm she had taken home unthinkingly, but refuses to give her more explanations.

Rose talks with her boyfriend, Mickey Smith, about her experience, and they find a conspiracy theory website that claims a man fitting the Doctor's description has appeared throughout history. Rose and Mickey visit Clive, the man who runs the website. While Rose is in Clive's house, Mickey is kidnapped by a wheelie bin and replaced with a plastic replicant. When the fake Mickey attempts to question Rose about the Doctor, the Doctor shows up and beheads the replicant. The Doctor takes Rose to his TARDIS, which is disguised as a 20th century police box, and uses the fake Mickey's head to locate the controlling signal. The Doctor explains to Rose that the fake Mickey was an Auton, controlled by the Nestene Consciousness, and that if he cannot stop it by using a vial of "anti-plastic" liquid, it will destroy all humans on Earth. He also explains to her that he is an alien.

The Nestene Consciousness has taken up residence beneath the London Eye. The Doctor tries to negotiate with it, but it gets angry when he identifies himself as a Time Lord, blaming him for the destruction of its home planet during "the time war." The Nestene Consciousness activates all the autons at the Queens Arcade, where several shoppers are shot dead, including Clive. The Doctor is overpowered by the Autons, but Rose rescues him and drops the "anti-plastic" into the vat where the Nestene Consciousness resided, killing it.

After fleeing the underground complex with Mickey, who was held hostage by the Nestene Consciousness, the Doctor offers Rose more adventures with him. Though Rose initially refuses as she is concerned about her mother and Mickey, she ends up joining the Doctor when he explains that the TARDIS can also travel in time as well as space.
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:31 pm

The end of the world (doctor no.9 part 2)

The Doctor takes Rose to five billion years into her future in the TARDIS, landing on "Platform One", a space station in orbit around Earth; the earth has long since been abandoned and under the National Trust, but as money has run out, it is about to be destroyed by the expansion of the Sun, only presently held back by gravity satellites. The Doctor uses "psychic paper" to pass as their invitation to the party, and he and Rose find many elite extraterrestrial beings there to celebrate the end of the earth in the protection of Platform One's automated shields. The guests include Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen, simply a face on a large piece of skin that must be continually moisturized, mounted on a frame with her brain in a jar below it, who calls herself the last human in the universe. The guests exchange gifts as part of the celebration (including Lady Cassandra's gift of a Wurlitzer jukebox, calling it an "iPod"). Rose is overwhelmed by the strange beings and customs as well as how distant she is from home, and leaves to an observation room to collect her thoughts. The Doctor follows her, and tries to cheer her up by allowing her to call her mum Jackie after altering her mobile phone to be able to work over the distance in time; this however only serves to depress Rose more.

Meanwhile, the gifts brought by the Adherents of the Repeated Meme, small metallic spheres, are revealed to contain robotic spiders that immediately work at disabling functions on Platform One. The Steward of Platform One recognizes something is wrong, but is killed when the spiders cause the solar filter of his room to lower, exposing him directly to the powerful solar radiation. The Doctor goes to investigate with the help of Jabe, a humanoid plant being from the Forest of Cheem, and discover the Steward's death and the spiders. Rose attempts to learn more from Lady Cassandra but only gets more upset over Cassandra's arrogance, and walks away, only to be knocked out by members of the Meme. She wakes up in an observation room, the solar shield slowly lowering, and calls for the Doctor to save her. The Doctor finds he can stop and raise the shield, but cannot unlock the observation room, and so turns to the various guests.

The Doctor uses a spider that he captured to determine that while the Meme released them, they are only empty shells, and that the real controller is Lady Cassandra. Cassandra admits to this, and was planning to use the situation as a hostage crisis to get money to pay for her repeated operations, but now will simply let the assembled guests die, then profit from the stock increases of their competitors when they are dead. Cassandra transmats to her ship as the spiders bring down the shielding and the gravity satellites are turned off ; The direct radiation causes the solar filters to strain and crack, killing several of the guests from the intense radiation exposure, and leaving Rose to scurry to find some shelter within the observation room. The Doctor and Jabe travel to the bowels of Platform One where the system to restore the automated shields is located, though it requires one of them to travel through several spinning fans. Jabe recognizes the Doctor as the last Time Lord after The Time War, and sacrifices herself to hold down a switch to stop the fan blades, allowing the Doctor to reactivate the system just before the expanding Sun hits the station and destroys Earth.

The Doctor returns to the remaining guests and Rose, free of the observation room, and uses a device to transmat Cassandra back onto the station. In the elevated temperature and without moisturizing, Cassandra begins to dry out and crack, and while she begs for mercy from the Doctor, he refuses to listen, and shortly, Cassandra explodes. Rose notes that with all the events that occurred, no one had witnessed the actual destruction of Earth. Returning to Rose's present, the Doctor explains to her that his own planet, Gallifrey, was destroyed in the wake of a great war and that he is the last Time Lord, and that people tend to forget that things don't last forever. Rose sympathizes with the Doctor as they enjoy some chips on a sunny London afternoon.
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:31 pm

The Unquiet Dead (doctor no.9 part 3)

The Doctor attempts to pilot the TARDIS to Naples in 1860 to show Rose the past, but misses short, ending up in Cardiff in 1869. While they land and Rose changes into more appropriate garb, there is trouble in a nearby funeral parlour run by Gabriel Sneed and his servant girl Gwyneth - the corpse of a grandmother has been taken over by a blue vapour, killing her mourning grandson Redpath, and then escapes the parlour. Gwyneth with her clairvoyance senses that the corpse, per her last desire, is going to see Charles Dickens at a nearby music hall. In the middle of his performance, the blue vapour leaves the woman, scaring the audience away and attracting the attention of the Doctor and Rose. Gabriel and Gwyneth arrive to retake the corpse as the blue vapour disappears into the pipes, and they are also forced to kidnap Rose by knocking her out with chloroform when she confronts them. Charles accuses the Doctor of ruining his performance, but after the Doctor gushes over his literary genius, and learning that an adventure is afoot, Charles gladly joins up to help.

At the funeral parlour, Rose wakes up and is borne down by the animated corpses of Redpath and his grandmother. The Doctor and Charles arrive, breaking into the parlour and rescuing Rose; the Doctor attempts to learn from the corpses why they are doing this, and determines that the parlour is built on a rift in spacetime, and the blue vapours are beings crossing through the Rift; they are able to use the corpses for a short time, but cannot sustain them. Rose talks more with Gwyneth, and her clairvoyance is discovered, an effect of living in the parlour since her parents died, according to the Doctor. Using Gwyneth as a channel, they hold a séance to directly communicate with the beings, who they learn are called "Gelth", their bodies destroyed as part of the Time War. The Doctor offers the Gelth temporary use of corpses only until he can transport them to a place where they can build new bodies, using Gwyneth as a bridge to cross the Rift.

As the process starts, the number of Gelth is much higher than anticipated, and their true motive is revealed: they are willing to kill the living to give themselves more hosts and take over the planet. Gabriel's neck is broken and his body taken over by a Gelth as Charles flees the parlour, leaving Rose and the Doctor trapped. Outside, Charles notes that the beings are affected by gas, and returns to the house, extinguishing the gaslights and turning the gas on full. The Gelth are forced to abandon the corpses and though the Doctor tries to encourage Gwyneth to send them back across the Rift, she cannot, nor can she leave; instead, she takes out a box of matches, intending to ignite the gas and killing the Gelth along with herself. The Doctor, Rose, and Charles flee the parlour before it is engulfed in flames. As the Doctor and Rose head back to the TARDIS, Charles thanks them for their help and makes a commitment to patch up things with his family and finish The Mystery of Edwin Drood, though the Doctor notes later to Rose that Charles will die within the year, leaving that work unfinished, but they have made him feel more alive than he ever has been. The Doctor and Rose give their goodbyes and disappear in the TARDIS. An astounded and delighted Dickens walks away through the streets of Cardiff, greeting everyone he passes and quoting from his book A Christmas Carol; "God bless us, everyone!"
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:32 pm

Aliens of London (doctor no.9 part 4)

The Doctor returns Rose back to Earth in the TARDIS, but miscalculates, ending up 12 months after he first left with Rose instead of 12 hours. As such, Jackie, Rose's mum, is furious with the Doctor, and Rose's boyfriend, Mickey is upset as he was suspected of murdering Rose. While Rose expresses her frustration to the Doctor of not being able to tell the truth of where she's been, they witness a spacecraft crash through Big Ben and fall in to the River Thames. Central London is shut down while its population become excited at the possibly of first contact with an alien species. The Doctor suspects trickery, and uses the TARDIS to land where the alien craft and its pilot has been taken. Along with Dr. Sato, he discovers that the alien craft was launched from Earth, and its pilot was nothing more than a Earth pig, modified by alien technology.

Meanwhile, the government is unable to locate the British Prime Minister due to the confusion of the crash, and MP Joseph Green is named acting Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street. However, Green is revealed to be a Slitheen, a calcium-based alien species that compress their bodies into large human "suits" resulting in frequent releases of flatulence, along with two other high members of the government, Margaret Blaine of MI5 and Oliver Charles, an MP for the Department of Transport. While they secretly celebrate successfully luring the humans into their plan, they are unaware of their conversation being witnessed by Harriet Jones, a backbench MP.

When the Doctor returns to Rose, they are surrounded by soldiers, prompted by a call from Jackie to an Emergency Alien Hotline, and escorted to 10 Downing Street. The Doctor is asked to join a panel of alien experts, including those from UNIT, while Rose is escorted in the building by Harriet. Harriet explains the aliens to Rose, and together discover the corpse of the Prime Minister. They make to reveal their discovery but are caught by Blaine, who begins to unzip her human suit to attack them. Meanwhile, as the Doctor attempts to convince the experts of the forgery of the events, another human-disguised Slitheen sends an electrical shock through the assembled group, including the Doctor. These events lead to a cliffhanger, resolved in "World War Three"
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:33 pm

World War Three (doctor no.9 part 5)

Following from the cliffhanger in "Aliens of London", the Doctor's extraterrestrial constitution allows him to survive the electrical pulse administered by the Slitheen Green, which has killed the other alien experts in the room. He manages to direct the charge to Asquith, and the shock spreads to Green and the other Slitheen via their communication devices. Margaret Blaine is temporarily stunned, allowing Harriet Jones and Rose Tyler to escape the room in 10 Downing Street where she had them cornered, while Mickey Smith is able to push aside the police inspector who was advancing on Jackie Tyler. The Doctor attempts to get the police, but by the time he has returned, the Slitheen have gotten back into their suits. Green instead pins the deaths of the alien experts on the Doctor, and orders him shot on sight. The Doctor escapes to the upper floors of 10 Downing Street, and reunites with Rose and Harriet in the Cabinet Rooms where they try and determine what Emergency Protocols are in place for an alien invasion. Before sealing off the rooms, the Doctor confronts the Slitheen and learns that they are a family rather than a race, and they are not invading Earth, but rather raiding it for some commercial purpose.

The Emergency Protocols are found to be of no help as they merely list the alien experts already dead in the room downstairs. They also reveal that the United Kingdom cannot launch nuclear weapons at the Slitheen as the codes can only be released after authorization by the United Nations. Gathering all the information they have found about the Slitheen, the Doctor deduces that they are a calcium-based lifeform from Raxacoricofallapatorius, and that they use compression collars to squeeze their bodies into the human skins, which accounts for their flatulence. Although the Slitheen have shut all communications to the Cabinet Rooms, Rose's tampered phone allows her to make contact with Mickey and Jackie, now safely in the former's flat. The Doctor gives Mickey instructions on how to log on his computer into the UNIT website, and uses that to determine that the Slitheen ship is presently in the North Sea, transmitting some signal that Mickey attempts to decode. However, as he works, the Slitheen posing as a police inspector breaks in, but thanks to advice from the Doctor, Jackie kills it by dousing it with copious amounts of vinegar.

Back at Downing Street, Green and the other Slitheen declare a matter of national security and request that the UN release the activation codes to strike against a fictitious mothership that is hanging over London. The Doctor realizes that the Slitheen actually plan to fire the weapons against other countries in order to start World War III so they can sell the Earth's radioactive remains as a fuel source, which they have already begun advertising through the signal Mickey has decoded. The Doctor tells Rose and Harriet that he knows a possible solution, but that it might cost their lives. Jackie, who had been pestering him for endangering Rose's life and is still on the phone, is outraged, but Rose and Harriet both tell him to go ahead, the latter even casting her timidity aside to order him as an elected representative. Complying, the Doctor helps Mickey to hack online into the controls of the Royal Navy HMS Taurean, a Trafalgar class submarine off the coast of Plymouth, and to fire a non-nuclear Harpoon missile at 10 Downing Street, where all the Slitheen conspirators are now gathered. The area around 10 Downing is cleared while the Doctor, Rose, and Harriet take shelter in a cupboard. The Slitheen's last second attempt to escape is delayed by the difficulty of putting on their human suits and they are caught in the explosion when the missile hits. The Doctor, Rose and Harriet all survive, and Harriet takes charge of the scene with a new found authority. The Doctor - who had found her name familiar when he first met her - suddenly remembers that she is due to become a highly successful Prime Minister and "the architect of Britain's Golden Age". The entire event is dismissed in the press as a hoax, and the Doctor has Mickey use a special computer virus to wipe all records of his existence from the Internet.

Jackie is now impressed by the Doctor and wants to invite him for dinner to get to know him better, but he declines fiercely. Instead, he separately invites Rose and Mickey - who has now earned his respect - to go travelling some more immediately. Mickey, still overwhelmed by the Doctor's adventurous lifestyle, declines but Rose packs some belongings and boards the Tardis.
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:34 pm

Dalek (doctor no.9 part 6)

The TARDIS is drawn off course by a distress signal, and materialises in a bunker in Utah, 2012. The Doctor and Rose Tyler find that the bunker is a museum, full of alien artifacts. An alarm is immediately set off, and they are taken to see the owner of the Vault — Henry van Statten, a billionaire collector of alien artifacts. Impressed with the Doctor's extraterrestrial knowledge, he invites the Doctor to see the "Metaltron", a creature he claims is the last of its kind. The Doctor enters the "Cage", where the creature is held, and begins to speak to it, offering his help. The creature responds by snarling in fury at him. The Doctor realises in horror it is a Dalek. Initially terrified at its threats of extermination, the Doctor is delighted to discover the creature is damaged and helpless, and attempts to kill it to purge the Dalek race forever, before being stopped by van Statten's guards.

Meanwhile, Adam Mitchell is showing Rose around the base. Adam shows her the Dalek, being tortured by a technician to force it to speak. Sympathetically, Rose asks to be taken down to the Cage to help the Dalek. Rose then touches the Dalek casing, which immediately absorbs her DNA and background radiation (a radiation that is picked up in mass quantities from time travel, and is the Daleks' sole power source). It escapes from its cage and downloads the entire internet, realizing that it is the only Dalek left. In response, the area is evacuated, and guards focus fire upon it, to no effect; the Dalek swiftly exterminates the guards. The Dalek demands to speak to the Doctor, and tells him that it was able to regenerate its casing, but was unable to find any other Daleks or orders, and will follow the default function: the extermination of everything in its path.

As Rose and Adam are escaping from the Dalek, the Doctor tries to stall to save them. Adam escapes, but Rose is cornered by the Dalek and is seemingly exterminated. Horrified, the Doctor blames van Statten for everyone's deaths. However, the Dalek has not killed Rose, as her DNA is making it hesitant. It instead negotiates, trading her life for access past the bulkheads which are obstructing its way. The Dalek then travels to van Statten's office, and is about to kill him before Rose intervenes and offers the Dalek its wish: freedom.

On the highest level of the museum, the Dalek creates a hole and opens its casing to directly feel sunlight for the first time. The Doctor arrives, gun in hand, and orders Rose to move. Rose refuses; the Dalek is changing, as it could not kill her or van Statten. Appalled at his own actions, he lowers his weapon. Both he and the Dalek realise that the Dalek is mutating further, and is becoming unable to conform to the Dalek objective. It asks Rose to order its death, and after being given the order, annihilates itself.

At the end of the episode, van Statten's assistant Diana Goddard orders van Statten's mind wiped and the vault filled with concrete. At the TARDIS, the Doctor ruefully observes that as the last survivor of the Time War, he "wins". He also tells Rose that he would be able to sense the presence of other Time Lords had they survived. Adam then comes by, telling the Doctor that Goddard is sealing the base. Rose invites Adam aboard the TARDIS, which he enters with a puzzled expression before it dematerialises.
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:36 pm

The Long Game (doctor no.9 part 7)

The Doctor, Rose and Adam travel forward in time to the year 200,000 and land aboard Satellite 5, a space station orbiting Earth during what should be the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire, but the Doctor immediately recognizes that the activity aboard the station is not consistent with future history. The Doctor investigates the station and meets with journalists Cathica and Suki who work on Satellite 5, using his psychic paper to pose as a member of management. They tell the Doctor that Satellite 5 is a 600-channel news satellite broadcasting to the Empire, and that they hope to be promoted someday to "Floor 500", the management floor. Rose and Adam investigate food stalls near where the TARDIS landed. Adam is overwhelmed with the strangeness of the situation, so Rose lets him borrow her "superphone" to call his family in the past; but he only gets their answering machine. Adam pockets the "superphone". The Doctor and his companions are observed by the Editor, a human in a dark, icy room, watching their actions through security cameras.

The Doctor reunites with Rose and Adam, and they are invited to watch a 'broadcasting' session with Cathica and other journalists. Cathica uses a port in the centre of her forehead to process information directly into her brain, which is then transferred to chips in the other journalists' head, who then broadcast it to their appropriate stations. While Adam is amazed at the technology, the Doctor notes that humans should have surpassed it by now. However, the Editor has detected that Suki is an unauthorized intruder in the "newsroom", and announces to all that she has been promoted and should come to Floor 500. Suki says her goodbyes, as those that go to Floor 500 never come back, and departs; when she arrives, she finds Floor 500 to be cold and populated by shriveled corpses. She encounters the Editor, who exposes her as a member of the Freedom Foundation, an anarchist underground group. Suki holds the Editor at gunpoint, telling him she knows that the news reported from Satellite 5 is manipulated, and demands to know who controls the station. The Editor points her to the "Editor-in-Chief", who, unseen, descends upon the screaming Suki.

Adam excuses himself to recover his thoughts in an observation lounge, where he uses the station's computer to gain information that he relays back in time to his answering machine via the "superphone". However, the computer limits his access, and directs him to 'floor 16', the station's medical facility. He there learns that he can get a port similar to Cathica's which will link him directly to the archives, but he hesitates.

Meanwhile the Doctor and Rose try to get more information from Cathica. Cathica gives vague answers, but the Doctor deduces that something is holding the human race back, both in attitude and technology, for the last 91 years - ever since Satellite 5 started broadcasting. The Doctor hacks into the station computers and notes that a lot of heat is being vented from the top floors into the lower ones. The Editor is aware of the Doctor's actions, and allows him to gain the password to come to Floor 500. Rose and the Doctor try to convince Cathica to join them, but she wants nothing to do with it.

On floor 500, Rose and the Doctor encounter the Editor, as well as Suki's dead body and those of several others being used as slaves to the computer systems. The Editor explains that through Satellite 5, they have been able to change the Empire into a place where humans are allowed to live, using manipulated news to install fear into the human race as to keep them in a closed society. These actions have been controlled by a consortium of banks, and the "Editor-in-Chief", the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe ("Max" for short), who hangs above their heads. The Doctor notices that Cathica has had a change of heart and decided to follow them to Floor 500 as she listens in unobserved on the conversation outside the room; for her benefit, the Doctor verbally notes that the Jagrafess' metabolism generates a lot of heat, and thus the station itself is its life support system, venting the heat into the lower floors below.

Adam has the port implanted, and, after recovery, goes to the newsroom and opens his port; he calls his answering machine with the "superphone", and initiates a link with the computer. The Editor is alerted to this, and is able to learn of the TARDIS and that the Doctor is a Time Lord from Adam's mind, and now aims to get the secret of time travel from the Doctor so that he can rewrite history to prevent humans from even developing. Cathica, hearing this, goes to the newsroom on Floor 500 and uses her link to sever Adam's connection and to reverse the flow of the environmental systems, sending heat to Floor 500, causing the Jagrafess to overheat. The Doctor and Rose escape while the Editor tries to sever Cathica's connection but cannot; he then tries to escape as well but is held by Suki's corpse, and ends up caught in the explosion of the Jagrafess.

The Doctor congratulates Cathica, but is furious with Adam. The Doctor takes Adam home in the Tardis, destroys the answering machine and banishes Adam from the TARDIS, noting that Adam will have to live a quiet life so no-one discovers the port in his forehead. As the Doctor and Rose leave, Adam's mother comes home, and commenting on how time flies, snaps her fingers, causing Adam's forehead port to open, and causing his mother to stare in horror.
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:37 pm

Father's Day (doctor no.9 part Cool

The episode opens with a flashback of Jackie telling a younger Rose about her father Pete, who died on 7 November 1987, the day their friends Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clarke got married. She tells Rose that no one was around when Pete died after being run over by a hit-and-run driver.

In the present on the TARDIS, Rose asks the Doctor if they can go back to the day her father died so that she can be there when it happens. The Doctor agrees, but cautions Rose to avoid interfering. They watch as Pete, attempting to retrieve a fallen gift for the wedding, is struck by a hit-and-run driver. Rose is unable to move when the Doctor tells her to go and be with her dad, and Pete soon dies. After Rose recovers, she asks the Doctor if she can try again with the time machine. The Doctor, against his judgement, allows for it, but warns Rose to not run until their former selves have left to prevent a paradox. As the accident is able to happen, Rose runs out and pushes Pete aside, saving his life, but causing their former selves to vanish. The Doctor angrily warns Rose about the damage to the timeline but Rose dismisses it, believing Pete to just be an average person. While Rose goes with Pete to the wedding, the Doctor storms back to the TARDIS, only to find that it is now an empty shell and realizes something is very wrong. Elsewhere, strange flying beasts start appearing and consuming people below without warning.

As Rose and Pete drive to the wedding, there is anachronistic hip-hop music ("Don't Mug Yourself" by The Streets) playing on Pete's radio, and Rose gets a unidentified voice message on her phone, "Watson, come here, I need you." At the church, the same car that nearly ran Pete over appears and threatens to run over Pete, but he dodges it, and the car disappears again. As they mill with the guests, including Jackie who has brought the infant Rose with her, young Mickey Smith runs up to the party and warns that all his friends were taken by beasts. As the same time, the Doctor reaches the church and warns everyone inside just as a one of the flying beasts appears and attacks the party. With the surviving members safely in the church, the Doctor explains to Rose that her actions have caused a time paradox, which the Time Lords, if they were still around, would be able to fix; instead, the flying creatures are like bacteria, sterilizing the wound in time by consuming everything inside it, though the age of the church will protect them. As they talk, the key to the TARDIS starts glowing and heating up, and the Doctor realizes that he can summon it and use it to fix the problem, but warns everyone to not touch it until the process is complete. The Doctor also warns Rose not to touch her younger self, as this will further damage the time stream.

As they wait for the TARDIS to fully reappear, Pete overhears the Doctor and Rose talking, and realize that Rose is his daughter. When he approaches her and asks her about how good a father he is, Rose is unable to answer truthfully. Jackie, seeing Pete talk to Rose, believes Pete is having an affair with her, but in order to show that Rose is really their daughter, he thrusts the infant Rose into Rose's arms. As the Doctor warned, this causes a paradox that allows one of the beasts to appear in the church. The Doctor, as the oldest being there, sacrifices himself as the beast rushes to the crowd, causing it, the Doctor, and the faint TARDIS image to disappear, leaving the TARDIS key cold. As the group tries to figure out what to do next, Pete watches the same car that tried to run him over appear and disappear over and over again. He comes to the conclusion that he was meant to die by that car, and determines that by letting himself die, the timeline will be repaired. He has an emotional goodbye with Jackie and Rose, and then runs out to face the car the next time it appears. Pete is fatally struck by the car, but in that instant, the timeline is restored: all those consumed by the beasts reappear, including the Doctor, while the others, save for Rose and Pete, are unaware of the events. Rose runs to Pete's side and quietly stays with him until he dies. Rose returns to the Doctor, and the two walk hand-in-hand back to the restored TARDIS.

The episode ends on a similar flashback as the opener, as Jackie explains to a young Rose that Pete didn't die alone - a young woman stayed with him until he died, leading the adult Rose to eulogise about Pete Tyler, her father, "the most wonderful man in the world."
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Invader Zim

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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:38 pm

The Empty Child (doctor no.9 part 9)

The Doctor and Rose Tyler are travelling in the TARDIS, chasing a metal cylinder that is marked as dangerous through the time vortex; the cylinder skips and leaves the vortex, traveling to London some time in the past. The TARDIS materialises at night, within a month of when the cylinder should have arrived. The Doctor investigates a nearby cabaret to try to find word of the cylinder, while Rose spots a young boy in a gas mask alone on a nearby roof and climbs up to try to help him. Shortly, air-raid sirens begin wailing in every section, and the Doctor realises they have landed in World War II, during the The Blitz, with Nazi German planes making a bombing raid. The Doctor runs back to the TARDIS but cannot find Rose; however, he is very puzzled when the telephone of his police box starts ringing as it is not a real phone but part of the TARDIS's disguise. He goes to answer despite a young woman telling him not to, and hears a young boy asking for his mummy over the phone. The Doctor turns back to the woman to find she has left and gone to raid the house of a family which has left for an air-raid shelter for food, and goes to follow her.

The Doctor watches the young woman, who has now brought several other homeless children to enjoy the abandoned meal in the home, and decides to introduce himself. He learns that the young woman is called Nancy, and that they have been sustaining themselves this way with every air raid. However, the group is startled to find a young boy in a gas mask knocking on a window; Nancy and the other children bar the house even as the child tries to stick his hand through the letterbox of the front door. Nancy tells the Doctor to not touch the boy, or he will become like him, "empty". The boy is able to control the electronic devices in the home, pleading for his mummy through the phone, radio, and a toy clapping monkey. As Nancy and the other child leave with the looted food, the Doctor opens the front door, only to find the boy gone. The Doctor follows Nancy to an abandoned rail yard where she has made her home, and tells her that he's made the connection between the cylinder that fell and the "empty" boy. Realizing the connection, Nancy tells him about a bomb falling near the Limehouse station "that was not a bomb". As they investigate the site, protected by a fence and armed troops, Nancy suggests the Doctor talk to Doctor Constantine. The Doctor remarks that Nancy is looking after the children to make up for something, and she admits that it is because her brother Jamie died during an air raid. The Doctor gives Nancy encouragement that everything will be all right before he leaves her for the hospital.

Inside the hospital, the Doctor finds Dr Constantine, who stands watch over several beds filled with corpses, each still wearing a gas mask. Dr. Constantine points out to the Doctor that the masks are not physical but appear to be part of the body, and they all share the exact same scars and external injuries. Dr Constantine explains that when the "bomb" fell, it claimed one victim, but those that came into contact with him began to show the same effects, and the symptoms spread from there. Dr Constantine reveals that the corpses react simultaneously to a large rap of his cane on the floor, or, possibly, him hitting the metal can, and that the first victim was Nancy's brother. Before he can explain more, however, Dr. Constantine is changed in front of the Doctor's eyes into a similar gas mask-wearing zombie, asking for his "mummy".

Meanwhile, as Rose attempts to use a rope to climb up to the boy, she discovers the rope is actually a line hanging from a barrage balloon above, and it lifts her up and off the roof. Captain Jack Harkness of the RAF, participating in a function in a nearby building, spots Rose's plight using anachronistic binoculars and excuses himself. When Rose can no longer maintain her grip on the rope and falls, she is caught in a tractor beam and brought safely aboard his Chula spaceship, where she lands directly in his arms, and promptly faints. When she comes to, Jack introduces himself and treats her rope-burnt hands using the ship's "nanogenes". Both Jack and Rose appear to find the other attractive, and Jack invites Rose to the top of the ship, tethered to Big Ben. As they continue to flirt, Jack explains to Rose that he used to be a Time Agent and has since gone freelance, and that he has something that the Time Agency wants and that he expects to have to negotiate with Rose for. Rose bluffs and tells him she would need to consult with her companion first, though she needs to find him first. Jack uses the ship to find the Doctor's location as he explains that the object is a fully equipped Chula warship, and that he knows that in two hours it will be destroyed by another bombing raid.

Finding the Doctor's location, Jack and Rose join up with the Doctor at the hospital shortly after Dr Constantine's transformation. The Doctor learns of the situation from Rose, but hearing about the Chula warship, demands that Jack tell the truth. Jack admits it was just an ambulance, trying to bluff about its value, but argues that it has nothing to do with the infection. As they argue, the corpses all rise and start to approach the trio, asking for their "mummy"; simultaneously, Nancy, who has returned to the house to collect more food, is also trapped and approached by the young boy, who she knows is Jamie, also asking for his "mummy", leading to a cliffhanger ending, continued in "The Doctor Dances".
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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:40 pm

The Doctor Dances (doctor no.9 part 10)

Continuing from the cliffhanger of "The Empty Child", the Doctor orders the beings to go back to their room - thus causing them to return to their beds and, unbeknownst to him, saving Nancy from her brother Jamie. The Doctor, Rose and Jack go to Jamie's room where the Doctor realises that the being that was Jamie is still learning what it can do and soon, will be too powerful to stop. The Doctor turns to discover Jamie waiting in the doorway. Escaping from Jamie and the other creatures (under Jamie's control), they end up trapped in a room. Jack teleports back to his ship and uses Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade" to prevent Jamie using the radio to track the Doctor and Rose. Challenged by Rose to dance while they wait, the Doctor accepts but is interrupted when they are transported to Jack's Chula ship. The Doctor uses the ship's nanogenes to heal a wound while Jack explains that he went renegade on the Time Agency when they stole two years of his memories.

Meanwhile, Nancy is briefly caught by the family returning home. Managing to blackmail her way free, she returns to the railyard to tell the other children they are not safe while they are with her. Telling them of her plan to head to the bomb site, Nancy does so but is quickly captured. Despite her pleas, she is left with a guard who subsequently transforms into a gas mask-wearing zombie. The Doctor, Rose, and Jack arrive at the bomb site and realise that the contagion is now airborne as the soldiers there begin to transform. Freeing Nancy, the Doctor investigates the 'bomb' which is actually the empty shell of a Chula medical transport. Realising that the ship also contained nanogenes, the Doctor deduces that the transformations are caused by nanogenes who have used Jamie's dead body in a gas mask as a template for all humans. As they attempt to open the transport, it transmits a "call to arms" instructing all the altered humans to come to battle; as the Chula were a warrior race, the nanogenes have given the transformed beings enhanced abilities. The altered people from the hospital arrive at the railway station but stay at a distance, and the Doctor realizes that since Jamie was the template, it is his mind that drives them; his looking for his "mummy". A distraught Nancy claims that the situation is all her fault, and as the Doctor tries to reassure her, he notes her grief and deduces that she is not, as she appears, a fourteen year old girl and that Jamie was not her brother but her son.

Jamie heads through the gate and approaches Nancy, still asking if she is his mummy. The Doctor instructs Nancy to tell Jamie the truth, and she tearfully does so, embracing her son. The nanogene cloud gathers around the two, and are able to identify Nancy's DNA as being that of a parent, and they reverse the transformation on Jamie, restoring him to life. The Doctor then scatters the nanogenes over the assembled zombies and they are all restored, as he proclaims that "Just this once, everybody lives!" As the German bomb falls onto the site, Jack uses his ship to capture it and remove it to the far reaches of space; the Doctor sets the medical transport to explode, thus destroying the technology and matching the historical records of an explosion at the site. Aboard his ship, Jack finds he cannot stop the bomb from exploding or abandon his ship, but is rescued when the TARDIS materializes at the rear of his ship. Joining the TARDIS crew, Jack watches as the Doctor and Rose dance in celebration.
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:41 pm

Boom Town (doctor no.9 part 11)

The Doctor has landed the TARDIS over the Cardiff Rift, left open after the Gelth were defeated in 1869, and is using the slow radiation leakage to recharge the TARDIS. As the process will take a whole day, he, Rose, and Jack are joined by Mickey in Cardiff and take the opportunity to explore the area. While they enjoy a meal at a restaurant, the Doctor notices, to his dismay, the front page of The Western Mail, with the headline "New Mayor, New Cardiff" and a picture of Margaret Blaine, a Slitheen in its human form whom they previously encountered.

Since their meeting, Blaine has become the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, and initiated the construction of a nuclear power plant. However, several people had found significant flaws with the design that could lead to a nuclear meltdown, and had approached her about these issues, but they all have mysteriously disappeared, Blaine having killed them herself. During a recent press conference, a young reporter named Cathy approaches Blaine about these deaths and the information they had left behind. Believing she knows way too much, Blaine invites her to follow into the ladies' room where she plans to kill her like the others, but has a change of heart as the reporter talks about her impending family (as she is pregnant), realizing that Blaine herself no longer has one.

Realizing that they must stop Blaine, the Doctor's group converges on City Hall and eventually capture Blaine after chasing her through repeated uses of a teleporter. She tells the group that the teleporter is how she escaped the destruction of the rest of her family, and that she hopes that, as planned, the meltdown of the plant would open the Rift and destroy the planet, herself using a hidden tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator — a pan-dimensional surfboard — to escape the explosion. The Doctor notices that the name of the plant, Blaidd Drwg, is Welsh for "Bad Wolf", a phrase that he and Rose have observed before in their adventures. The Doctor tells Blaine he will take her back to her home planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius, but Blaine notes that the Slitheen family are convicted criminals there and she will be executed, which the Doctor insists is not his problem.

Jack recognizes that the extrapolator can be used to halve the time to refuel the TARDIS, and stays there to install it. Rose and Mickey go out for a drink to discuss their relationship; Mickey admits he's dating someone else since Rose seemingly left him for the Doctor, which angers Rose. At the request of Blaine, the Doctor joins her for one last meal at her favourite restaurant, equipped with bracelets that will electrocute Blaine if she gets more than three metres away from the Doctor. Blaine attempts to kill the Doctor through various means, but the Doctor is able to casually block the attempts. Blaine then attempts to gain the Doctor's sympathy, explaining how she will be executed and if he could take her to a different planet instead. However, before the Doctor can make his decision, a large earthquake shakes the area.

The group reassembles in the TARDIS, where a bright column of light is shooting up overhead. Jack tells the Doctor that it is the power from the Rift, brought upon by the extrapolator. The Doctor realizes that this was Blaine's plan all along—that the extrapolator when used would be found by someone of advanced enough technology to recognize the Slitheen, who would hopefully activate the device, causing it to lock onto the nearest alien power source, which happens to be the TARDIS, thereby tearing open the Rift and eventually the Earth, while she rides the device to escape the destruction. Blaine takes Rose hostage and demands the extrapolator, but before she can use it, the heart of TARDIS opens and shines in her face; the light overtakes her, and shortly her skin suit falls empty to the console floor. The Doctor and Jack manage to close the TARDIS console and reseal the Rift once more. When they investigate the suit, they find a Slitheen egg; the Doctor surmises as the TARDIS is telepathic, it may have sensed that Blaine wanted a second chance and gave that to her. As the Doctor, Rose, and Jack prepare to travel to Raxacoricofallapatorius to deliver the egg, Rose realizes that Mickey has left; the Doctor offers to wait for him, but Rose lets him go, wishing that she could also have a second chance.
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:43 pm

Bad Wolf (doctor no.9 part 12)

The three TARDIS travellers find themselves separated, waking up with temporary amnesia in various reality television and game shows. The Doctor finds himself in a Big Brother house hosted by the "Davinadroid", Rose on the set of The Weakest Link hosted by the "Anne Droid" , and Jack facing two gynoids, Trine-e and Zu-Zana who offer to give him a brand new image, à la What Not to Wear.

All three find out that the shows are more fatal than their twenty-first century counterparts. On The Weakest Link and Big Brother, losing contestants are seemingly disintegrated, while on What Not to Wear, participants undergo major cosmetic surgery. Jack and the Doctor escape from their shows, the Doctor bringing along a contestant called Lynda , and find themselves on Satellite Five, which the Doctor previously visited in "The Long Game", now under the control of the Badwolf Corporation.

Lynda is instrumental in explaining gaps in the narrative. She explains to the Doctor that a hundred years previous to the episode's narrative, the satellite's broadcasts suddenly stopped, and as a result, progress on Earth halted. The Doctor realises that he himself was responsible for the change.

The Doctor, Jack, and Lynda progress to find Rose. They find her as she loses in the final round of The Weakest Link, and is promptly disintegrated. They are arrested, but escape their capture and travel to the control room on Floor 500. They meet the Controller (Martha Cope), a cybernetic human, who obliquely tells the Doctor that contest losers are not disintegrated, but transmatted to an empty point in space. The Doctor and Jack discover, to their horror, hundreds of ships containing 400,000 Daleks between them. Detected, the Daleks open a communication channel to the Doctor, who resolves to rescue Rose and then purge the Dalek race once and for all. In response, the Daleks' last action before the episode ends is to start invading Earth.
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Doctor Who? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:45 pm

The Parting of the Ways (doctor no.9 end)

As the Dalek fleet approaches Earth, the Doctor and Jack land the TARDIS on the Dalek mothership to rescue Rose Tyler, using the tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator to protect themselves from the Dalek weapons. The Dalek Emperor, which describes himself as a God, explains that he managed to survive the Time War in a crippled ship, and rebuilt the race by harvesting genetic materials from the humans such as those delivered from the Game Station. The Doctor observes that the Daleks have gained human traits and emotion by this process and have, because of their creed and resulting self-hate, become deadlier than ever. After bringing Rose aboard, the Doctor returns the TARDIS to the Game Station and works with Jack and the remaining humans aboard to prepare for the Dalek attack.

Jack uses the extrapolator to shield the top six floors of the station and sets up defensive positions, while the Doctor attempts to create a Delta Wave generator from the transmission equipment that will fry the brain of any being in its path, though it will take time to charge up. The Doctor tricks Rose into retrieving equipment from the TARDIS, and while she is inside, uses his sonic screwdriver to direct the TARDIS to return her to her home in the 21st century, much to Rose's anguish. In a farewell hologram known as Emergency Programme One, he describes this as a procedure designed to stop the TARDIS falling into enemy hands. As the Daleks begin to invade the Station, murdering all humans on board and overrunning the defences, the Dalek Emperor contacts the Doctor. He tells him that the Delta Wave generator will kill everyone on nearby Earth as well as his fleet, but the Doctor says this is a preferable fate to enslavement to the Daleks.

Rose, back home, is met by Jackie and Mickey who try to console her. As Rose regains her composure, she spots the words "Bad Wolf" all around the area where the TARDIS has landed, and realises that it is a message rather than a warning. She enlists Mickey's help to try to open the heart of the TARDIS, hoping its telepathic circuits will recognise her desire to return to help the Doctor. Jackie, shaken by the revelation that Rose has met her late father Pete, decides to help and borrows a large tow-truck from a friend. Between the three of them, they are able to open the heart, which engulfs Rose in a white glow. The TARDIS doors slam on Mickey and Jackie as they try to enter, and then it dematerialises.

Back in the future, the Daleks break through the final defences, kill Jack and Lynda, and confront the Doctor just as the Delta Wave generator is ready. However, he cannot bring himself to activate it, and resigns himself to being killed by the Daleks. The TARDIS materialises in the room and Rose, now infused with the time vortex, steps out. Using its vast power, she spreads the words from the station's logo, "Bad Wolf", across time and space to be able to bring herself to this moment and rescue "her Doctor". The Daleks attack her, but she effortlessly disintegrates their entire fleet and brings Jack back to life. The Doctor, distraught about the consequences of all this, begs her to let go of the Vortex's power, but she is unable or unwilling to do so and begins to falter. To save her, the Doctor holds Rose and the two finally kiss, thus inhaling the time vortex energy into himself. He then exhales it back into the TARDIS and takes the unconscious Rose on board. Jack, confused by the disappearance of the Daleks and his own resurrection, turns up just in time to see the TARDIS disappear.

Rose awakens on the TARDIS to find the Doctor in pain - the residual Vortex energy is destroying every cell in his body. He tells her that he is dying, and vaguely explains the regeneration process. After praising both Rose and himself as 'fantastic', the Ninth Doctor explodes with golden energy and morphs into his next incarnation, the Tenth Doctor.

“ Hello. teeth. That's weird. So where was I? Oh, that's right. Barcelona"

This leads directly to "Doctor Who: Children in Need" and sets the story for "The Christmas Invasion".
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