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 Gamera: Super Monster ( showa era part 7)

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Age : 28
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Name: Invader Zim
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Gamera: Super Monster ( showa era part 7) Empty
PostSubject: Gamera: Super Monster ( showa era part 7)   Gamera: Super Monster ( showa era part 7) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 31, 2009 7:30 am

When the evil alien Zanon comes to enslave the Earth, all hope seems lost. The Earth's resident superheroes, the Spacewomen, are powerless to stop him. They must enlist the help of a young boy who has a special connection with Gamera. The friend of all children then fights and kills the revived Gyaos, Zigra, Viras, Jiger, Guiron, and Barugon. He then sacrifices himself to kill Zanon by destroying his spaceship

In my opinion this film isint very good
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Gamera: Super Monster ( showa era part 7)
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