Guile Hero
Music for the First Half of the ArticleCompleting a triangle with the Action Hero and the Science Hero, the Guile Hero is a hero who operates by playing politics and manipulating the bad guys. The Guile Hero trades swords and guns (or science and technology) for charm, wit, political and/or financial acumen, and an in-depth knowledge of human nature. The Chain of Deals, along with the Social Engineering and Gambit Index tropes are all at the Guile Hero's fingertips. Often, a Guile Hero will manipulate the other good guys and a whole bunch of innocent bystanders as part of their scheme to bring down the Big Bad, though they'll take care to ensure the other characters aren't truly harmed in the process (and if they fail, they'll be very sorry). The Guile Hero is likely to be a politician or a businessman, and engage in Battles of Wits.
The Guile Hero may be considered a scaled-down heroic analogue to the Magnificent Chessmaster; unlike the Magnificent Chessmaster, the Guile Hero is unambiguously a good guy with the same goals as any Action Hero or Science Hero and usually lacks the Magnificent Chessmaster's flair and knack for long-term planning. While some other heroes may be unhappy with being manipulated by the Guile Hero, it is made clear to the reader that this character has a heroic goal.
Basically they use their brain to get out of tight spots and It's justified because they could be a ragdoll or something made out of a very fragile meterial. As we all know being a ragdoll doesn't lend you much strength.
Magnificent Chessmaster
Music for the Second Half of the ArticleIf there was ever a character that deserved to be called “Magnificent”, that character is the Magnificent Chessmaster. The Magnificent Chessmaster is what happens when you combine a Chessmaster, a Trickster, and a Manipulative Villian. He's bold, charismatic, independent, and audacious. Capturing the audience with his charisma, incredible intellect, mastery of manipulation, and boldness of action, this character is a show-stealer, demanding your reverence at every turn.
So what makes a character a Magnificent Chessmaster? Let's break it down:
• He is brilliant and utterly devious, to an almost breathtaking, mind-boggling degree. Call it genius, call it virtual omniscience, but he always seems to know what everyone else is planning at any given moment, and exactly how to arrange the game so he wins most of the time.
• He is a smooth operator. He always knows exactly what to say to position you where he wants you, always has a backup strategy and never loses his cool. Even if on the remote chance something happens that wasn't in his plans, you'd never know it from his actions.
• He has a goal, he's not going to stop until he's completed it...whatever it is. To that end he will do almost anything. He'll move heaven and hell, and we want to see him succeed. Despite his choice of tactics, he is rarely if ever pointlessly cruel, and has a reason for everything he does.
• He is charismatic, often charming, his personality like a physical force. People tend to like him, sometimes even when they know he isn't on their side, and even those who hate his guts have to admit respect. Even when at his darkest, he has traits which one can't help but admire.
While usually an antagonist, especially if he's the Big Bad or Evil Genius, the Magnificent Chessmaster can be aligned on either side of a conflict. He tends to forgo the idea of good and evil all together, instead following his own agenda, choosing to help whichever side will further his goals.
All The Smug Snakes eaither STRIVE OR THINK THEY ARE THIS GUY!!!
However, it's true that his penchant for manipulation at the expense of others means he can be a good guy, a great example of a hero who is this would be Batman