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 What is "Revolving Door Morality"?

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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What is "Revolving Door Morality"? Empty
PostSubject: What is "Revolving Door Morality"?   What is "Revolving Door Morality"? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2013 1:49 pm

What is "Revolving Door Morality"? 0105

Music for the Article

When a villain is sufficiently sympathetic with the audience, they have a tendency to do Turn Good. And such characters have a tendency to Turn Bad when it's realized that they really worked better as a villain. But, even though the character works better as a villain, he's still so sympathetic that the powers that be will often give him further temporary reform.

This phenomenon works the other way, as well. The Hero loses perspective and becomes a Well-Intentioned Extremist, and then comes back from the edge again. He's done it before, and it worked well (narratively) that first time — why not do it again?

The long-term result is the same either way — the character in question will switch sides often enough that, in the long run, he doesn't have a side. This is what makes a Him a "Revolving Door".

A common character type in kids cartoon shows, especially in the 80s, was the one obnoxious member of the regular cast who could be counted upon to do something stupid, selfish, and/or rude and act contrary to the interests of the group whenever the plot focused on their everyday lives, but was considered just one of the gang when the plot focused on the world outside the main characters. They'll be trying to get the other characters expelled from school just to win an essay contest one week, then heading to the amusement park with the gang like nothing happened the next.

I Really wonder why the gang even tolerates Him?

Perhaps he's being used by the gang for money or something.
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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What is "Revolving Door Morality"? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is "Revolving Door Morality"?   What is "Revolving Door Morality"? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2013 8:08 pm

The music was fun to listen to.
I lke the explanation for this type of character and at times poeple do sympathise with the villian.
I agree the people who are around each other keep this person in their circle due to the fact he provides something for them as a group
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What is "Revolving Door Morality"?
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