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 Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X Empty
PostSubject: Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X   Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 3:38 pm

Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X 0394

Height: 40 meters

Ultra Seven X is 2007 tokusatsu series produced by Tsuburaya Productions. It is a Darker reimagining of the classic Ultra Seven series.

In the 23rd century, Deus agent Jin has contracted amnesia and is in a strange apartment. Upon waking up, he sees that he has a strange item, the Ultra Eye. With it, he can change into the mysterious giant called Ultra Seven X. Now, he must fight the alien invaders that threaten his world and figure out the mystery behind his missing memories.

Ultraseven X is revealed to be the original Ultra Seven, crossed over into a parallel universe in order to save both his world (the "M-78 universe"), and this new one, from the threat of the Shadow Rulers. Ultraseven restored Jin's life in order to operate in the new world, with Jin serving as his new host. Ultraseven eventually returns to his universe, where Dan Moroboshi is reunited with Anne Yuri

The is the Second Ultra in the Ultra Series to be aimed exclusively at ADULTS.

DEUS is the special investigative team organized in order to defend the Earth against alien aggressors. Although they live as normal people, members of DEUS can be called into action at any given time. Agents call each other by code name rather than their actual names. Led by the Commander of DEUS, he informs agents of their missions through the VC. It is revealed to be an A.I. that controls all of the world's information on behalf of the shadow rulers. The agent's main equipment are the Ultra Gun which is a small laser gun, and the VC (Video-Ceiver) Buishī wristband which is for all-purpose communication.

The agents of DEUS are:

Elea: She handed the Ultra Eye to Jin. Originally, she was one of the staff engaged in the Aqua Project. Her full name is Elea Saeki. She is 22 years old.

K: He is an agent in DEUS and executes missions with Jin. He is 25 years old.

S: She is an agent in DEUS and focuses on undercover missions. She eats chocolate frequently. She is 25 years old

Say where is Agent "J" oh right wrong show
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X   Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X Icon_minitimeWed Jul 11, 2012 4:40 am

That is so weird that they call each other by their code name instead of their given name Question Exclamation affraid
But i could see why.

Something that they have this just for adults.
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Ultra Series Chapter 16: Ultra Seven X
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