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 Ultra Series: Chapter 15: Ultraman Mebius

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Ultra Series: Chapter 15: Ultraman Mebius Empty
PostSubject: Ultra Series: Chapter 15: Ultraman Mebius   Ultra Series: Chapter 15: Ultraman Mebius Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 3:09 pm

Ultra Series: Chapter 15: Ultraman Mebius 0393

Height: 49 Meters

For the first time in 25 years, an Ultraman is sent to earth to protect it from aliens and monsters which would start to appear again. The Ultra Father entrusts the earth to their newest member, Ultraman Mebius. Under the guise of Mirai Hibino, Mebius joins the earth defense team GUYS in the Japan branch to better fend off threats to its people. What follows is an epic loveletter to the entire Ultra Series and capstone to the original Ultramen.

Shingo Sakomizu: Commander of the new CREW GUYS and General Inspector of GUYS Japan. Upon assuming his position, he has reorganized GUYS with the new members. He loves coffee. He was once a member of VTOL Space who piloted experimental light speed craft. On a test run 40 years ago to Pluto, his ship was attacked by saucers before Zoffy appeared and rescued him. Although he should be well over 70 years old, the effects of traveling at light speed have greatly prolonged his aging. He has always known that Mebius and Mirai were the same at 40 years old.

Ryu Aihara: He is the only surviving member from the original GUYS. When a monster first appeared, GUYS Japan was sent to take care of the monster. This was the first monster attack in nearly 25 years and no one was prepared for what would come in the battle. Dino Zaur easily defeated his comrades, and the remainder was only the fighter plane of him and Serizawa. Serizawa, not wanting Ryu to die, ejected his seat. He is a good man, but has a cold exterior after what has happened to his friends. When Mirai first meets him, he is reciting the Ultra Five Oaths and Mirai joins in as well. Later on during Mebius' first battle, he berates Mebius for failing to defend the city and shielding himself with buildings, then he berates himself for failing to protect his friends. He feels responsible for all the new members of GUYS and tries his best to protect them. He habitually recites the Ultra Five Oaths after learning them from his previous captain. He was told the history of the country of light by Mirai in episode 30. During Serizawa's final battle as Hikari, Ryu rushes into the battle in a fit of rage at the sight of his former captain being killed. Ryu himself is seemingly killed until it is revealed that Serizawa passed on the Knight Brace to him, allowing him to become Hikari's temporary host. Mirai Hibino/Ultraman Mebius was able to contact him alone in episode 50. Ryu became the new captain of CREW GUYS after episode 50. 20 years old

Marina Kazama: She is a former motorcycle racer with dreams of becoming one of the first internationally known women in the sport. She had a supervisor named Kadokura. She still tries to keep up with her practices and team at the same time that she is a member of GUYS. She seems like the older sister of the group and tends to look after the other members a lot: George in particular. She has outstanding hearing and catches the smallest sounds from machines. This hurts the ability to race as it prevents her from pushing her machine to its limit. She is afraid of spiders. She has two younger brothers. Perhaps due to her hearing, Seiji Hokuto/Ultraman Ace was able to contact her alone in episodes 44 and 50. Marina won the motorcycle world championship after episode 50. 19 years old.

George Ikaruga: He is a former all-star soccer player, though he broke his leg for a time and had to sit out of his games for a few years. He has skill named a shooting star shoot. At the start of the series, a doctor tells him that his knee is finally well enough for him to play soccer again. Ikaruga feels a need to live up to the image that was created for himself, that he is a celebrity and was often looked down upon by his former teammates who think that he has "sold out". He joins GUYS in order to find some form of purpose in his life. As a former soccer player, he has fast eyes and reflexes, which translate into a natural affinity for METEOR-assisted flying, and makes him the only person in the team capable of using the METEOR Shot's 'Amazing Triple Shot' function. He is known to mix Spanish into his Japanese sentences. Although he can swim, he admits he does not wish to be involved in any missions at sea because of bad experiences he has had at sea (And with sea food), and does not wish to be involved in deep-space missions as well. Hideki Go/Ultraman Jack was able to contact him alone in episode 50. After retiring from his previous team, George joined a new football team after episode 50. 20 years old.

Konomi Amagai: She is a sweet and kind young lady, she used to be a preschool teacher before joining GUYS. Her students cried when she left, but she felt that being a part of GUYS would be the best way for her to be able to protect all of the children that she once taught. It is because of her that all of the future members of GUYS meet up in episode 1, when they try to rescue the rabbits at Konomi's daycare center. She briefly quits GUYS in episode 4 after she scolds herself for lack of valor. Mirai encouraged her, remembering how Ryu had scorned him for collateral damage after fight with Dino Zaur. Marina also encourages her, reminding her that, while she may be at times cowardly, and may cry a lot sometimes, it was Konomi's courage that inspired her and the others to assist her in rescuing the daycare center's rabbits during Dino Zaur's assault. Her kindness shows during the Maquette Monster demonstration, when she was the only member to think of Miclas as 'kawaii' (Cute) when she first saw him, causing also Miclas to 'imprint' to her like she was his mother. She is the only member of the group who wears a mini-skirt and the only member to wears glasses (once, when Konomi dropped the glasses in the Phoenix Nest's swimming pool, Mirai used the glasses to imitate Ultraseven's transformation pose, quickly calling it a "charm"). In episode 16 she stops wearing glasses and gets contact lenses, only to put them back on when no one noticed. In general, she stays at Phoenix Nest as an operator, but goes to the front line as "handler" of the Maquette Monsters when necessary. Dan Moroboshi/Ultra Seven was able to contact her alone in episode 50. Konomi returned to her children friends in the day care school after episode 50. 18 years old.

Teppei Kuze: He is the heir to a fortune and is always being followed by his mother. He was a medical school student before participating in GUYS. Were he to not participate in GUYS, he would probably have become a doctor in his father's hospital. He is troubled, occasionally hampered, by his mother's worries. He participates in GUYS in order to become independent from his mother, and initially keeps it a secret from her, but she finds out after he appears on television. Although his mother opposes at first, his father's hospital is protected from Insectus by his work, and she gives him her blessing to continue on. He is knowledgeable about the older Ultramen and monsters, to the point that it is his position in GUYS. Hayata/Ultraman was able to contact him alone in episode 50. Teppei became the new doctor of his father's hospital after episode 50. 18 years old.

The mail villian/mr. big bad is Alien Emperor
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Ultra Series: Chapter 15: Ultraman Mebius Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ultra Series: Chapter 15: Ultraman Mebius   Ultra Series: Chapter 15: Ultraman Mebius Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2012 5:55 am

Wow captain of a crew at 20 years of age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cool to be a motorcycle racer=that would be fun.

Great detailn the article study study study study cheers

Cant wait to see an episode
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