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 Ultra Series Chapter 13: Ultraman Nexus

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Ultra Series Chapter 13: Ultraman Nexus Empty
PostSubject: Ultra Series Chapter 13: Ultraman Nexus   Ultra Series Chapter 13: Ultraman Nexus Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 3:02 pm

Ultra Series Chapter 13: Ultraman Nexus 0391

Height: 49 meters

Ultraman Nexus the 20th entry in Tsuburaya Productions' Ultra Franchise and aired from October 2, 2004 to June 25, 2005 with a total of 37 screen episodes. An extra unscreened episode was included in the DVD compilation.

Set in 2009, Ultraman Nexus is set in an Earth not unlike our own. While Humanity blissfully goes about it's daily life, a secret war is being fought in the shadows between the Terrestrial Liberation Trust and monstrous invaders, dubbed Space Beasts. The main branches of T.L.T. are Night Raiders, military response teams who are tasked with eliminating Space Beasts, Memory Police, who mindwipes witnesses and survivors using devices called Memory
Erasers as part of coverup efforts and White Sweepers, an armed hazmat team tasked with the destruction of evidence and recovery of research subjects.

The series focuses on the life of Kazuki Komon, a recent inductee into one of T.L.T.'s elite Night Raider combat squads and his struggle to cope with his new life. Faced with a world where nothing is truly what it seems, he becomes embroiled within a shadowy conspiracy involving a mysterious silver giant, giant monsters manipulated by an unknown hand, Dark Ultramen and the hidden agendas within T.L.T. itself. As the series focuses primarily on the lives of one of
T.L.T.'s Night Raider combat teams, Ultraman Nexus abandons the Monster of the Week concept and focuses on longer character driven arcs. Relatively unique in it's concept of the passing of the ability to transform into Ultraman between Dunamists (Humans who can become Ultraman) as well as the use of a Meta Field to draw monsters into pocket dimenstions to prevent further destruction.

This show is much darker than the ones you saw before and is made for ADULTS Nexus perpetually risk his life, get pounded by monsters, hunted as an experimental subject and are generally subject of apathy to most of the world. Yeah - Being Ultraman is BAD.

The Members of TLT are:

Eisuke Wakura: The captain of the Night Raiders. He is a good leader and takes action effectively in any situation. He cares for his teammates and is well trusted by them. Although his motto is to follow orders, he will take necessary action if it means to protect others. He is a brother figure towards Komon who provides wisdom to the new recruit.

Nagi Saijyo: The deputy leader of the Night Raiders. She is very strict, especially to Komon and can be quite brutal in certain situations. She hates Space Beasts, stemming from incidents regarding her childhood and her former lover Shinya Mizorogi, the former deputy leader of the team. When she was younger, her mother was murdered by a Space Beast (In the end revealed as Dark Zagi in human form). After she joined the Night Raiders to fulfill her vow to destroy the beings that killed her mother, she met and eventually fell in love with Mizorogi Shinya, the former deputy leader of Night Raider. When Mizorogi fell to the dark side, she deepened her hatred and was willing to do anything to bring down a Space Beast, which she does not know that the hatred is actually a trap set up by Dark Zagi to make her surrender all of the light to him when she becomes a Dunamist. In the final episode, she is saved by Komon when the darkness tries to devour her.

Shiori Hiraki: A female in the Night Raider team. Although she looks pretty and cute, she is an expert in weapons and can be very strong and helpful during missions. She has a good personal relationship with Mitsuhiko Ishibori. After Nagi becomes the fourth Dunamist in the final episode, Shiori is blasted by Ishibori when he reveals himself as Dark Zagi to the team, but is later shown defending people with rest of the Night Raiders from Beasts in the closing scenes of the series.

Mitsuhiko Ishibori: The analyzer and tactician of the team and an expert in computers. Unknown to everyone, he is the main villian Dark Zagi in disguise. 18 years ago, Dark Zagi, in the form of a blue light similar to The One, possessed a man called Ishizaki Ichi to use him to execute his plan. First, he killed Nagi's mother to plant hatred into Nagi's heart. Then, he joined the Night Raiders so that he could see the progress of the plan more easily. Then, he used Mizorogi and Riko to deepen the hatred of Nagi and plant hopelessness into Komon's heart (this failed thanks to Himeya). Then, when Mizorogi is defeated, he deleted the data of the Ultraman to render the destructive beam useless. Finally, when Nagi became a Dunamist, every part of his plan come into place: the hatred of Nagi and the fear of Lethe towards Dark Zagi have resonated and turned all of the light of Ultraman Nexus into darkness, making the reviving of Dark Zagi successful.

The Main Villian/Mr. Big Bad is Dark Zagi/Mitsuhiko Ishibori who created all the monsters causing the terror
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Government Concil
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Ultra Series Chapter 13: Ultraman Nexus Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ultra Series Chapter 13: Ultraman Nexus   Ultra Series Chapter 13: Ultraman Nexus Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2012 8:25 am

The shows audience very much spoke their minds alien alien

They want their show back so maybe to recapture their interest cheers cheers

The audience said enough of a break lol! lol! lol! lol!
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