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 Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna Empty
PostSubject: Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna   Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 2:42 pm

Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna 0386

Height: 55 Meters

Ultraman Dyna is series that ran from 1997 to 1998. It functions as a sequel series to Ultraman Tiga, set seven years after the series' end. Mars and other worlds are being terraformed and a new team ,Super GUTS,has been made to combat various threats. Shin Asuka, a light-hearted member of the team, becomes Dyna's host when the alien Spheres come to invade Mars. Now, He fights for the Neo Frontier whenever he is needed, either as a Super GUTS agent or as Ultraman Dyna.

The Members of Super GUTS are:

Gousuke Hibiki: The team captain. He is loud and boisterous, often joking with his subordinates and shouting orders. At the same time, however, he is a caring leader with a good heart and good intentions for Super GUTS.

Ryo Yumimura: The tomboy ace pilot of Super GUTS, who has a short temper and often yells at Asuka for his goof ball antics and recklessness. They have a pilot rivalry going on. However, deep down inside she likes the guy, they do like each other, which becomes quite clear toward the end. She also plays a big sister role for the less experienced Mai. Ryoh is slightly cross-eyed, which add charm for her.

Toshiyuki Kouda: The cool and slick haircut guy who is eventually promoted to Dept. Captain.

Mai Midorikawa: A cute, bubbly, loud cadet-type with little combat experience. She mostly serves as the communication person, but she has multiple crushes (baseball players, cute exploratory robots, bike racers, etc.), gets peoples' attention by saying 'neh-neh-neh,' and has the amazing ability to hide multiple items behind her back, only to whip them out in rapid succession.

Tsutomu Nakajima: The pudgy technician and researcher of the Super GUTS team, often becomes panicked or overly serious.

Kouhei Kariya: An expert of shooting of the Super GUTS and is well versed in archaeology.

The Main Villian/Mr. Big bad is The Spheres.
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna   Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2012 8:15 am

This team seems like they do a fairly good job .

I like the comment about the cross-sided gives this person some charm.- cheers

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Ultra Series Chapter 9: Ultraman Dyna
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