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 Ultra Series Chapter 8: Ultraman Tiga

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Ultra Series Chapter 8: Ultraman Tiga Empty
PostSubject: Ultra Series Chapter 8: Ultraman Tiga   Ultra Series Chapter 8: Ultraman Tiga Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 2:38 pm

Ultra Series Chapter 8: Ultraman Tiga 0385

Height: 53 Meters

Ultraman Tiga' was a tokusatsu series, part of the Ultra Series franchise, that lasted 1996-1997.

30 million years ago, beings of light came to Earth during mankind's infancy. Seeing the potential for humanity to become superior beings amongst the galaxy, the beings of light set up a colony to help and guide humanity. The beings of light also neutralize and control a horde of giant monsters who once roamed the

Earth with their destructive ways. Using their powers, the beings of light either destroyed the monsters or tamed them, allowing humans to live with no fear of predators.

Malevolent factions within the colony began to oppose their own kind, stressing that they should remain the superior race and to subjugate humanity lest they rise and overtake them. A civil war erupts, destroying the colony and the beings of light, and regresses humanity to the point that it will take millenia for humans to achieve powers beyond their scope.

3 of these beings, which the pre-historic humans with their telepathic powers dubbed "Ultras" survived the war and imbued humanity with their DNA powers of light, hoping to one day jumpstart the humans back to greatness. The last of the great advanced humans, a woman named Yuzare, is chosen to be the keeper of the light, and leaves behind clues throughout time that one day, the monsters will rise again, and beings of light will be needed to combat them yet once more.

With various monsters rising from the Earth in modern times, the United Nations forms the T.P.C.—the Terrestrial Peace Consortium, a think tank looking for ways to neutralize the monsters. T.P.C. itself forms G.U.T.S.—Global Unlimited Task Squad, a strike team made up of combat specialists to counter the monsters if no other option but force is warranted.

On an archeological dig, T.P.C. discovers a pyramid-like device left by Yuzare fortelling the prophecy of the monsters, and that only the beings of light can beat them. The G.U.T.S. team heads out to a location given to them by Yuzare's message and discover a previously-invisible pyramid housing statues of the 3 Ultras that survived the war. A monster arises and destroys two of the three statues, but a beam of light contacts G.U.T.S. Officer Madoka Daigo, informing him that he is a true blood lineage to the DNA of the Ultras and awakens a power within him to save the entire world.

Using his inner heroism, his passion for justice, and his commitment for defending the innocent, Madoka Daigo accepts his heritage as the inheritor of the greatest power of them all—HOPE, as this era's Ultraman Tiga!


Members of GUTS are:

Captain Megumi Iruma: The first female Captain in an Ultra series, she has a commanding yet motherly presence. She mostly stays in headquarters and leaves field operations in the capable hands of her deputy captain, Munakata. Her influence makes GUTS perhaps less militant than some of her superiors over at TPC, which provides some opportunities for dramatic tension. She is formerly a scientist and she is also a widow with one child that lives with her mother-in-law. Later, she was revealed to be the re-incarnation of Yuzare.

Deputy Captain Seiichi Munakata: A no-nonsense, chisel-faced commander. He was saved by Iruma back in his days on the defense force. A teetotaler who has a penchant for drinking milk at jazz bars and wearing a baseball cap in the field.

Masami Horii: The pug-faced, brainy, Osaka-dialect-speaking comic-relief technologist who finds love and gets married during the series. Known as the "Brains of GUTS" with his genius.

Tetsuo Shinjoh: The bland but tall and good-looking guy with a fan following, and has a TPC nurse in a miniskirt for a sister. He is sometimes brash and hotheaded, but is also a bit of chicken and fears ghosts and supernatural things. He has formed a goofball combination with either Daigo or Horii.

Jun Yazumi: Rounding off the crew is young Yazumi, the communications and computer expert who goes out into the field even less than Captain Iruma. When reports of a winged monster appearing from Easter Island, most of the GUTS crew attends to this, the second monster on the loose since the meteorite landed, while Yazumi remains behind to research the name "Tiga." Yazumi discovers that the name is an old popular name of a northeastern district in Japan.

Rena Yanase: An action hero in her own right, being the best fighter pilot and no stranger to using heavy machines and artillery, and happens to have compassion for some of the monsters. Daigo's love interest, later becomes his wife. After a series of events, she becomes aware of Ultraman Tiga's identity, and figures out that Daigo is Tiga and witnesses Daigo transform in front of her in episode 50.

The Main Villian/Mr. Big Bad is Gatanazoa, the Ruler Of Darkness. He's actually heavily based off creatures from HP Lovecraft

Last edited by Invader Zim on Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Government Concil
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Ultra Series Chapter 8: Ultraman Tiga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ultra Series Chapter 8: Ultraman Tiga   Ultra Series Chapter 8: Ultraman Tiga Icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2012 8:16 pm

Great article-the one word that is poweful is Hope-can you put it in all capital letters. I think it will make this idea even stonger cheers cheers
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