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 What is an "Enigmatic Minion"?

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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What is an "Enigmatic Minion"? Empty
PostSubject: What is an "Enigmatic Minion"?   What is an "Enigmatic Minion"? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2012 7:16 pm

What is an "Enigmatic Minion"? 0219

The Enigmatic Minion is a strange, specific type of villain. Put simply, it is a non-Big Bad antagonist whose agenda, motivations and villain cred itself remains highly ambiguous for much of the story. Whether as a villian who is defeatned early in the story or as a long-term villain, an Enigmatic Minion is defined by its ambiguous nature and the suspicion it evokes, both in the heroes and in the audience. There is certainly something altogether 'not right' or even "wrong" about this character, but it is difficult to say how or why it acts the way it does.

Even more odd, Mr. Big Bad has no idea what their goal is.

The Enigmatic Minion lacks any obvious motives and desires to be discerned by the heroes or the viewer, and certainly won't reveal them if asked. In fact, good luck getting anything more than a riddle or a hint out of it. Despite assurances that it's an antagonist, it obviously has a free will of sorts and have a modus operandi that does not entirely follow the expected for a villain. An Enigmatic Minion may take actions that turn out to help the heroes in the end, or shower an unusual amount of personal attention on their progress without opposing them. This minion will seem to know a lot more than it's letting on - possibly even more so than the Big Bad they are seemingly aligned with.

If a member of an evil organization, the Enigmatic Minion will usually hold a prominent position, be trusted by the Big Bad, or has a job only it is capable of doing, which would explain why it's being kept around. This importance also keeps the minion safe from being killed, at least for as long as the Big Bad thinks they are still on the same side. Enigmatic Minions usually don't 'fit' their assigned role, whether they're satisfied with it or not — and in the case of the latter, they certainly won't admit it.

Eventually, the story may offer a reveal as to the minion's true nature: This can be anything from being The power Behind the Throne to being Good All Along.

Other times it may not and leave the character as mysterious as when it appeared. Expect The Messiah to attempt to befriend this type of character, which may or may not go well.
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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What is an "Enigmatic Minion"? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is an "Enigmatic Minion"?   What is an "Enigmatic Minion"? Icon_minitimeSun Jun 03, 2012 12:53 pm

Good article- i like the minion when he turns out to save the day or at least play a greater role than what others had thought them capable of. cheers cheers cheers
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What is an "Enigmatic Minion"?
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