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 What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?"

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?" Empty
PostSubject: What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?"   What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?" Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2012 2:18 pm

What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?" 0161

It's no secret that all sorts of weird beings exist alongside humans. Stories in the fantasy genre, for instance, give us fairy-tale figures like dragons, witches and wizards, elves and dwarves, and whatever other oddities a specific author may come up with to give his or her world some personal flavor. On the science fiction side of things, we meet aliens, robots, artificial intelligences, freaks of nature and all manner of Odd creatures. No matter how wildly they vary from one another, and from one series to the next, however, they all have one thing in common: they're physically distinct from humans, even if it's not by much.

Every now and again, though, while exploring the Universe, you'll run into a character of indeterminable race or species. Sure, they seem human, what with their upright stance, human-level intelligence, and ability to speak, and yet there's just something about them that gives them away as something distinctly other. Maybe it's that they live in a series where no human can do the things they do, maybe it's that a certain part of their body (or even most of it) is kept conspicuously concealed, or maybe it's that there just plain aren't any "other" humans around, raising suspicions.

If this is the case, the person an Ambiguously Human Being. Fairly often, a series will go out of its way to avoid stating their species, or they'll be called human or nonhuman in spite of their shared traits. If you can't figure out whether they spawned from the same end of the gene pool as you just by looking at them, though, they fit the bill.

For Example They also might have been alive for a long time like 40000 years, were born with black-and-white striped hair, or have purple skin.

It is also never explained what there origins are.
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?"   What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?" Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2012 4:18 pm

I reall enjoy this article. I like your word usage-very articulate.
Could you add a photo as some examples always fun cheers study lol! alien
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What is an "Ambiguously Human Beings?"
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