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 Tyson (film)

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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PostSubject: Tyson (film)   Tyson (film) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 2:15 pm

Tyson is a 2009 documentary film about the life of former undisputed heavy weight champion of the world boxer Mike Tyson. It was directed by American filmmaker James Toback and produced by Nicholas Jarecki, Bob Yari, and Carmelo Anthony.[2]

It was publicly screened for the first time at the 2008 Cannes film festival, where it received a 10-minute standing ovation.[4] Tyson was released on April 24, 2009, distributed by Sony Classics.[5]

The movie won the Regard Knockout Award at the Cannes film festival.[6]

The documentary begins with clips of the then 20-year-old Tyson's convincing World Boxing Council Heavyweight Championship win over Trevor Berbick, then begins to explore the fighter's upbringing and motivation. It is revealed that he had a fractured family life and difficult childhood in Brownsville, Brooklyn. He had to battle with fear in order to fight for his respect, and is shocked by the outcome: adoration and friendship.

In my opinion this is a very weird that he like to rob people for fun so I think this film is very sirous
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Government Concil
Government Concil

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PostSubject: Re: Tyson (film)   Tyson (film) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 2:23 pm

I enjoyed seeing the old film footage of Mike Tyson Smile
I feel he was really honest in this documentary-a little too much information Wink
I is worth while seeing especially sports fans-but for mature audience

P.S. i like the Halloween icon- GREAT TOUCH farao king queen jocolor
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Name: Invader Zim
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PostSubject: Re: Tyson (film)   Tyson (film) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 2:24 pm

Why thank you oh and by the way this film seems harsh
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PostSubject: Re: Tyson (film)   Tyson (film) Icon_minitime

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