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 My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations)

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations) Empty
PostSubject: My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations)   My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 6:01 pm

In 1958, the Kusakabe family reunites when a university professor and his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei, move into an old house in rural Japan to be closer to the hospital where his wife is recovering from an illness. The daughters find that the house is inhabited by tiny animated dust creatures called soot sprites—small house spirits seen when moving from light to dark places. When the girls become comfortable in their new house and laugh with their father, the soot spirits leave.

While she is playing outside one day, the younger daughter, Mei, sees two white, rabbit-like ears in the grass. She follows the ears under the house where she discovers two small magical creatures, who lead her through a briar patch, and into the hollow of a large Camphor Laurel tree. She meets and befriends a larger version of the same kind of spirit, which identifies itself by a series of roars she interprets as "Totoro" (in the original Japanese dub, it stems from Mei's mispronunciation of the Japanese pronunciation of the word "troll").[3] Her father later tells her that this is the "keeper of the forest".

One rainy night the girls are waiting for their father's bus and grow worried when he does not arrive on the bus they expect him on. As they wait, Mei eventually falls asleep on Satsuki's back and Totoro appears beside them, allowing Satsuki to see him for the first time. He only has a leaf on his head for protection against the rain, so Satsuki offers him the umbrella she had taken along for her father. Totoro is delighted at both the shelter and the sounds made upon it by falling raindrops. In return he gives her a bundle of nuts and seeds. A bus-shaped giant cat halts at the stop, and Totoro boards it, taking the umbrella. Shortly after, their father’s bus arrives.

The girls plant the seeds. A few days later they awaken at midnight to find Totoro and his two miniature colleagues engaged in a ritual dance around the planted nuts and seeds. The girls join in, whereupon the seeds sprout and then grow into an enormous tree. Totoro takes his colleagues and the girls for a ride on a magical flying top. In the morning, the tree is gone, but the seeds have indeed sprouted.

Mei, believing her mother's condition has worsened, sets off on foot to the hospital and gets lost. Desperate to find her sister, Satsuki returns to the camphor laurel tree and pleads for Totoro's help. Delighted to be of assistance, he summons the Catbus, which rescues Mei, then whisks her and Satsuki over the countryside to see their mother in the hospital. The girls perch in a tree outside of the hospital to discover that she is doing well. They deliver an ear of corn that Mei believes will speed her mother's recovery, and then return home on the Catbus. When the Catbus departs, it fades away from the girls' sight.

The closing credits show Mei and Satsuki's mother returning home and feature scenes of Satsuki and Mei playing with other human children, with Totoro and his friends as unseen observers.

In my opinion this is a very good children's fanasty film and It is good on porytraying the 1950
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Government Concil
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My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations)   My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2009 2:28 pm

I too liked this movie I especially liked Totoro cheers
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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations)   My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2009 2:33 pm

According to wikipidea Totoro is the japanese children aclivent of winnie-the-pooh or barny the dinosaur plus his friends look like stuffed animals
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My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations)   My Neighbor totoro (Hayao Miyazaki's Creations) Icon_minitime

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