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 Primeval (film)

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Invader Zim
Invader Zim

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Name: Invader Zim
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Primeval (film) Empty
PostSubject: Primeval (film)   Primeval (film) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 6:00 am


The film opens as a forensic anthropologist is looking over a mass grave of people who have been killed by what she claims are identical gunshot wounds. Both the woman and the UN soldier head away from the mass graves to inspect another one on the south side. She digs her shovel into what she believes is another mass grave only to be attacked by an unseen creature. The anthropologist is dragged into the water as the UN soldier opens fire. Other soldiers show up and begin shooting at the attacker as it kills the woman and heads for deeper water to consume her.

The next scene is a New York City news room. Tim , is looking at a TV and talking on his phone, waiting to see if his name is mentioned in connection with a case that he was working on in which the evidence was falsified. His cameraman and best friend Steven is telling him maybe their boss, Roger, did not see or hear what was being broadcast on the news. Right when he says that Tim is asked to see Roger. Tim sees Roger who in turn does not want to talk about his contract just yet, but instead introduces him to a very attractive woman standing by another television set viewing a report about the woman who was seen previously with the creature. The woman's name is Aviva and she is a reporter that focuses on reports dealing with animals being killed or harmed, and she is interested in the story of Gustave, an enormous crocodile who is known to have killed hundreds of people in Africa. Tim is more-or-less "forced" into going to Africa with her and brings Steven along to help capture this creature.

In Burundi they meet Harry, who is there to warn them about "the Bush," as he calls it, and the dangerous warlord who lives there, who has nicknamed himself "Little Gustave." They meet wildlife expert Matt Collins. When they reach the village, they meet their guide, Jacob Kreig, and are blessed by the local shaman. The group gets a number of villagers to assemble the cage that will catch Gustave, and walk it to a nearby swamp. The first attempt to capture Gustave fails, but Matt manages to shoot him with a tracking dart. Steven, while getting scenic video, catches on film Little Gustave himself executing the shaman who blessed the group, along with his family.

Jojo, a villager who helped set up the cage, tries to capture Gustave using himself as bait in the hopes that if he captured Gustave, the group would take him to America. One of the guards is caught stealing money from a tent, and attempts to rape Aviva before Gustave shows up and kills him. Aviva runs to the group, and they return to the destroyed camp. The remaining guard shoots and wounds Jacob after it is revealed that both guards work for Little Gustave. As the guard is about to execute the group, Jojo shows up and shoots him with Jacob's elephant gun. While Jacob's wound is being treated, Gustave attacks the group. Jacob recalls the story of how his wife, Anna, was killed by Gustave, and that he swore revenge. Jacob produces a grenade, and detonates it as Gustave attacks him in an attempt to kill him, but fails. A helicopter appears to airlift the survivors. Little Gustave's men attempt to blow up the helicopter to stop them from showing the video of the execution. Matt is struck by a car and shot to death by Little Gustave's men, and the group gets separated. Steven gets separated from the group and Gustave chases him. Tim goes to look for Steven, but Aviva has to stay with the injured Jojo. Tim only finds Steven's camera. Harry arrives, but it is soon revealed that he is Little Gustave, and wants the video of the execution. Tim attempts to trick Harry by giving him the GPS locater for the dart that tracks Gustave by saying it tracks a suitcase that contains a copy of the video. Harry declines and forces Tim to find the "suitcase" instead. While searching, Tim finds Steven's mutilated body, and kills the guard that was sent with him. Aviva splatters crocodile pheromones on Harry, and Gustave comes and devours the warlord. Tim, Jojo and Aviva escape to the Range Rover and Gustave appears and attempts to kill all three, but they manage to escape. We see the group riding a plane home. The ending states that with the death of Little Gustave, the civil war ended for good, but that Gustave is still alive and killing more people.

IN my opinion this film dusturbing but I will show what Gustave looks like

Primeval (film) Croc10

surprised he's not human
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